Because people have been requesting it without checking the mod requirements: This patch requires SKSE for various scripting functions (It does not matter which version of SKSE) and, as such, cannot be ported to Xbox.
A notice from the author:
I have made the decision to cease updates and support for this patch in its current form. Any future updates made to ESO Skyshards will no longer be accounted for.
While I dislike dropping support for my mods, having the mod that this depends on no longer hosted on Nexus changes my ability to keep it up to date with my limited available modding time.
I am currently working on an alternative skyshard mod that I plan to repurpose this patch to support instead. This new mod will have the benefit of giving me full control making support much easier. You are, however, under no obligation to switch should you not wish to, the current patches will remain available in the old files section until changes are made to ESO Skyshards or Legacy of the Dragonborn that render them unusable. Upon the switchover, support will resume and the comments section will be unlocked.
Random question, are you the author of the mod? Kinda curious about what happened, as I was trying to enter to the skyshard's mod page and it said it was deleted (took me by surprise, it's an excellent mod, panicked a little).
If you haven't been to where that particular shard is, updating will fix it. If you have been there, whether you activated or not, it is pointless to update until you start a new game.
You can always update it, just that the fix will not apply to you if you have somehow already passed near it. Although I truly don't know what counts as "being close to it".
In this context, "being close" means that the cell it is in has been loaded, under normal settings (ugrids of 5), this distance is actually quite far. For reference, if you were to stand in the centre of the courtyard of Castle Dour in Solitude (where the guards are practicing) this would be about the distance to the outer side of the Blue Palace at the very tip of the mountain edge.
That's good enough for me. I just started a new game and the absolute farthest west I've gone is Bilegulch Mine; I've mostly been in Falkreath and Whiterun. ^_^
I am getting a CTD with DBM_ESOSkyshards_Patch when traveling to Solstiem. Removing the patch lets me travel to solstiem. I am pretty certain it is because it is set as a .esl esp and is a master for Wyrmstooth and other patches.
I can't continue previous games, or start a new one. As soon as I removed the mod, everything began to work again. I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but I figured I'd report it to you in case.
EDIT: To be clear, I DO have LotD 5.5, which released the other day, AND the patches associated with it.
Comments locked
The author has locked this comment topic for the time beingThis patch requires SKSE for various scripting functions (It does not matter which version of SKSE) and, as such, cannot be ported to Xbox.
A notice from the author:
I have made the decision to cease updates and support for this patch in its current form. Any future updates made to ESO Skyshards will no longer be accounted for.
While I dislike dropping support for my mods, having the mod that this depends on no longer hosted on Nexus changes my ability to keep it up to date with my limited available modding time.
I am currently working on an alternative skyshard mod that I plan to repurpose this patch to support instead. This new mod will have the benefit of giving me full control making support much easier. You are, however, under no obligation to switch should you not wish to, the current patches will remain available in the old files section until changes are made to ESO Skyshards or Legacy of the Dragonborn that render them unusable. Upon the switchover, support will resume and the comments section will be unlocked.
In the meantime, ESO Skyshards can be found here:
AFK Mods
[SP+C0]0x25367C527A0(TESObjectREFR*) -> (FormId: FE00AA29, File:
, BaseForm: null)I can't continue previous games, or start a new one. As soon as I removed the mod, everything began to work again. I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but I figured I'd report it to you in case.
EDIT: To be clear, I DO have LotD 5.5, which released the other day, AND the patches associated with it.
I have even tested the specific Skyshard referenced in your message, and it functions correctly (no location name, because spoilers).