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This page was last updated on 25 June 2024, 6:13AM
- Changelogs
Version 1.9.4
- Thrown/dropped objects that are destructible will now be damaged when colliding with things
- The thrown/dropped object is damaged when colliding with another object above a certain speed
- The object hit by the thrown object will also be damaged if the thrown object's mass is above or equal to the hit object's mass - Fix detection events being triggered erroneously when dropping an object onto another object moving at the same speed
- The relative speed between the colliding objects is now used instead of the absolute speed of the dropped/thrown object
- Thrown/dropped objects that are destructible will now be damaged when colliding with things
Version 1.9.3
- Thrown/dropped objects will now trigger detection events to distract enemies
- A detection event occurs when the thrown/dropped object collides with something above a certain speed
- The sound level of the detection event depends on the mass of the thrown/dropped object
- Thrown/dropped objects will now trigger detection events to distract enemies
Version 1.9.2
- Snap turning and other player rotation will no longer affect held NPCs that are not ragdolled
- Previously, the entire held NPC would be warped to be where you snap turned and then spring back to where they should actually be - Simplified config around grab forces for actors
- There is now just a single setting grabConstraintLinearMaxForceActor and grabConstraintAngularMaxForceActor
- framerate-dependent values are now multipliers instead of the actual force itself (fpsToActorMaxForceMultiplierMapLinear and fpsToActorMaxForceMultiplierMapAngular)
- Snap turning and other player rotation will no longer affect held NPCs that are not ragdolled
Version 1.9.1
- Fix bad interaction (unable to grab corpses/etc. while the quickloot menu is open) with quickloot vr
Version 1.9.0
- A new system has been added for detecting objects contained or supported by a currently grabbed object
- Hands, weapons, held objects, and objects on/contained in the held object now inherit the velocity of the player while moving, and are simulated in the space of the player when rotating (e.g. while snap turning)
- improved behavior of held objects while moving, jumping, teleporting, or toggling sneak
- hands and weapons and other held objects touching the held object while moving now interact nicely (was pretty bad before)
- objects on top of or contained within the held object are also affected by this, so they will behave nicely while moving around
- for grabbed objects that are constrained to other objects, all connected objects are treated as player space. For bodies, all bones within 4 bones of the grabbed bone are player space. - Speed / jump reduction is now based on the mass of held objects and any objects contained in those objects as well
- e.g. picking up a light object and placing a heavier object onto it will still cause you to move slower / jump less high - The player will no longer collide with clutter objects below 69kg (nice)
- you will collide with clutter objects _above_ this mass, but will not push them around. Instead, it will completely block you
-- a heavy object will block you unless the object is moving towards you with some speed, in which case you will not collide. That's to stop you from being pushed around if you e.g. push an object into yourself.
-- this essentially removes all clutter interaction by you walking into things. Either you won't collide, or you will be blocked, with no in-between.
- the vanilla behavior is that you knock around any clutter object regardless of its mass, including large items like hand carts. For most clutter, you end up knocking it around without meaning to.
- this can be re-enabled through the minCollideClutterMass ini setting, but note that objects in a container will collide with you if you hold the container close to yourself if you do that - Hand/weapon collision is now disabled very briefly upon being created
- this should truly fix hands knocking random things around in a room upon spawning - Hand collision is now disabled while two-handing
- previously, your hand would collide where your controller is, even if your in-game hand is attached to the the weapon - Performance increase when grabbing high poly objects/characters
- only triangles within ~35cm of the palm are processed when figuring out where to place the fingers
-- for some cases like really high poly dragons, this is ~2x as fast as before
- more geometry will be treated as hair (and be ignored, resulting in less geometry processing)
-- specifically, bsdismemberskininstance with partitions referencing the hair part number (31), and long hair (41)
- skinned geometry sharing the same skin data / partitions and bone transforms will only be skinned and processed once
-- in certain cases, this reduces the amount of geometry to process during the grab - Fix held objects colliding with nothing for a brief moment upon throwing the object. They were supposed to only not collide with the hand that threw them.
- Held objects will no longer collide with player objects other than the hands / weapons / held objects
- fixes held objects colliding with your own ragdoll while sitting, causing them to behave weirdly
Version 1.8.1
- Fix player position jitter when moving a held object towards yourself
- Held objects will no longer interrupt the path of a teleport
Version 1.8.0
- Two-handed grabbing has been added
- When grabbing a rigidbody that is already grabbed by the other hand, you will now grab it with both hands instead of passing it from one hand to the other - Physical looting has been changed a bit because of two-handed grabbing
- When grabbing from one hand to another for a body, the hand needs to be pulled away from the other hand immediately upon initiating the grab, otherwise you will grab it with both hands just like grabbing any other object - Weapon two-handing has been adjusted
- Melee weapons are now primarily controlled by the main hand. The offhand only pulls the weapon towards it a bit, and no longer affects the rotation of the weapon at all.
- Crossbows retain the old method, where both hands affect all aspects of weapon positioning/rotation - Handling of collision layers / etc. of held objects has been re-implemented
- This fixes multi-rigidbody objects (like carts) being wonky due to self-collision
- Collision layer and other parts of the collision filter of held objects are no longer modified while held
- Held objects will no longer be on the higgs collision layer
- Because of this, you should also grab the latest PLANCK update if you're using it
- Two-handed grabbing has been added
Version 1.7.3
- The grab has been made more powerful by default
- Slightly higher linear max force
- Decently higher angular max force
- Higher damping coefficients making the grab less wobbly - The grab now has much higher max forces when grabbing weapons specifically
- More stable grab for long thin objects, ex. knife and fork
- The difference in moment of inertia between axes of the held object is now limited to 10 while held - More stable grab for objects with very low moments of inertia, ex. coins, grapes
- Enforce a minimum moment of inertia across all axes of the held object while held - Better quality physics for debris objects
- Objects simulated at the debris quality level will be upgraded to higher quality when pulled or grabbed - Maximum hand deviation from the controller before dropping the held object has been reduced from 0.6m to 0.4m, to reduce potentially jankiness feeling
- The hand also now needs to be said distance away from the controller for a few frames instead of a single frame
- Distance is ignored for a brief moment when toggling sneak, which abruptly changes your hand position - The amount of time over which the hand moves towards the held object when starting to grab now depends on distance, meaning the hand takes longer to move to the object if the object starts farther away
- Mainly applies to objects with predefined grab points (ex. weapons) or pulled objects (which can be grabbed from a greater distance)
- Smoother hand transition from pulling to grabbing - Movement speed / jump reduction is now affected only by the mass of the held object and physically-connected objects, not the mass of every part of the entire object reference
- Before, if you grabbed a piece of a broken chair for example, you would be slowed as if you grabbed all of the pieces at once - Slightly reduced movement speed / jump reductions for heavier objects
- The grab has been made more powerful by default
Version 1.7.2
- Throwing behavior with the new grab has been improved
- A few previous frames of velocity are used when letting go of an object
- throwVelocityBoostFactor is now properly applied to the new grab (it was only being applied with the old grab). - Fix way too much movement of the held object while moving, if both hands held different pieces of the same object (ex. if each hand holds one half of a book)
- Fix being able to move objects constrained to fixed objects (ex. swinging signs) away from their initial position while moving
- Throwing behavior with the new grab has been improved
Version 1.7.1
- All physically-connected (via constraints) objects now have their positions updated while moving, instead of just the held object. This improves behavior while moving and holding things such as books or carts. This does not apply to ragdolls.
- Fix your hand colliding with the held object when you drop it when thrown above ThrowVelocityThreshold. It was supposed to only collide if dropped below this velocity, but it was always colliding instead, which could lead to weird interactions when throwing an object.
Version 1.7.0
- Many improvements have been made to the physical grab
- Much less stiff (smoother) in general
- Much better behavior when colliding with other objects, especially fixed objects like tables, walls, etc.
- Much better behavior while the player is moving
- Position of held object is frame-perfect with player movement
- As a result, removed artificial linear grab force added when player movement accelerates/decelerates and when snap turning
- However, worse behavior when holding an object with other objects on it and then moving the player (ex. bucket with bottles in it). Aim to improve this in the future. - Better behavior for very light objects
- Max forces limited to a multiple of the object's mass - Max forces have been slightly reduced overall
- The start of the grab is now smoother when initially grabbing a ragdoll
- Live actors (when using planck) should behave more or less the same as before, since they are driven a bit artifically and require some different parameters.
- The physical grab is now on by default for all objects. The old regular grab is never active normally, but can be re-instated by setting ForcePhysicsGrab to 0.
- Added support for higgs grab nodes on objects
- Allows meshes to specify pre-defined grab points where they will be grabbed by higgs
- Meshes with HIGGS:GrabR or HIGGS:GrabL nodes on them will be grabbed at those nodes by the Right or Left hand
- To make it easier to define these nodes, higgs can log the required translation/rotation that a grab node should have when you grab something, if you set printHiggsGrabNodeInfo to 1. This way, you can grab something repeatedly until you get a grab you like, and then take what higgs prints out and create a node with that info in the mesh of that object. - Jump height is now reduced based on the mass of the currently held object(s)
- Movement speed reduction when holding an object has been slightly increased for heavier objects
- Slightly lowered haptic strength when holding an object near the shoulders or a consumable object near the mouth
Version 1.6.2
- Geometry with the soft_effect shader flag is now ignored when grabbing. This applies to things like the resurrection vfx geometry, which you wouldn't want to be grabbing.
- Objects composed of multiple collision objects (like books) grabbed using the higgs api (for example, using spell wheel) now have all of their pieces moved into your hand when grabbed, instead of only the root piece
- fix hand collision being created at the wrong position, which could cause it to move through other objects and knock them around when a cell loads
- fix bad weapon collision positioning for some weapons
- fix hand having a large collision object surrounding it while a spell is equipped in rare cases
- fix really bad positioning when something is grabbed with no grabbable geometry
- fix broken fingers when something is grabbed with no grabbable geometry
Version 1.6.1
- When using the physical grab, objects grabbed using the higgs api (for example, using spell wheel) are now placed directly into your hand instead of 1 meter away
- When using the physical grab, weapons and torches no longer warp directly into your hand when grabbed, and instead behave the same as normal objects (you'll still automatically grab weapons by the hilt, but the weapon will no longer instantly teleport into your hand)
- Missile (non-arrow) projectiles that are fired from a weapon are now treated as if they were blocked with a shield when hitting an equipped weapon
Version 1.6.0
- The physical grab has been completely re-implemented with physics constraints and motors. This grab is used when grabbing objects with physics constraints (NPCs, ragdolls, books, ...). This should be a significant improvement to the physical grab (but not enough that I want to make it the default yet :)
- constraint-based with a pivot point at the grab location using linear/angular motors with max forces
- heavier objects are harder to move (will "sag" more), and heavier actors are harder to influence (ex. frost trolls)
- force increases when accelerating or snap turning
- different max forces when grabbing actors at different physics framerates
- as usual, can force this for all objects with ForcePhysicsGrab=1 - The "havok fix" has been reworked to maintan a high enough physics framerate even at lower game framerates. I found that the quality of physical interactions is simply not good enough at lower physics framerates, specifically involving the new physical grab and NPC ragdolls.
- There is now a minimum physics framerate, which defaults to 70 (basically, any framerates below 72 will be below the minimum)
- There will be multiple physics steps per frame to bring it above the minimum if the framerate is below it, up to a default of 3 (so 60 -> 120, 45 -> 90, 36 -> 72, 24 -> 72) - More configurability around two-handing weapons, controlling how much the offhand influences the weapon position/rotation in different ways. See the ini file for more information on these options
- twoHandedHandToHandAlignmentFactor
- twoHandedHandToHandShiftFactor
- twoHandedHandToHandRotationFactor - Movement speed reduction when grabbing a non-actor object now fades out over time after letting go instead of changing instantly
- speed reduction also slightly increased for heavier objects - Hands are now treated as belonging to the player e.g. if hit by a projectile or enter a trigger
- Hands now also count as the player when they enter a trigger volume (usually the game only accepts the character controller for triggers) - Projectiles hitting an equipped weapon are now treated as if they were blocked with a shield
- shield arrow deflection perk applies
- hit event counts the hit as blocked - Hands, weapons, and held objects now move and update while dialogue/menus are open and the game is not paused
- Fix hands not ignoring the current horse in some cases for grabbing purposes
- Fix bad hand transforms (seemingly making you invisible) when grabbing as a werewolf/vamp
- Fingers are no longer animated when in werewolf/vamp mode
- Add c++ api functions to get/adjust the current grab transform
- Held references now have their position explicitly updated if the root node is grabbed with the non-physical (default) grab
- Fix crash when attempting to two-hand a weapon in werewolf form (for some reason)
- The physical grab has been completely re-implemented with physics constraints and motors. This grab is used when grabbing objects with physics constraints (NPCs, ragdolls, books, ...). This should be a significant improvement to the physical grab (but not enough that I want to make it the default yet :)
Version 1.5.11
- Fix armor with no name (like SOS) being lootable after the last update
Version 1.5.10
- Only armor that is equipped will now be considered when looting via higgs. This should make it easier to loot mod-added items such as cloaks or underwear as they will no longer be blocked from being looted by the non-equipped "skin" armor. Before now, checking if the armor is equipped was only done after comparing all armor that occupied the same biped object slot.
Version 1.5.9
- Weapon collision positioning now respects vrik's weapon offsets if vrik is installed. This should make weapon collision look more correct if using vrik than before (it was a bit offset if the offset weapon positions option was on in vrik).
- The rotation speed limit while two-handing is now in roomspace instead of world space, which should mean the rotation doesn't lag behind a bit when using snap turning.
- Added an ini option (treatProjectileWeaponHitsAsSelfHits, default 1) to control whether projectiles hitting your weapon/shield should act as if they hit you or not. This was added in 1.5.6 to make arrows stick in your shield properly, but there was no way to turn it off if you wanted to.
Version 1.5.8
- Added ini setting for disabling looting only with the gravity gloves (disableGravityGlovesLooting) separate from the all-encompasing DisableLooting setting.
- Added ini setting to disable gravity-gloves looting only for live actors (disableGravityGlovesLootingLiveActors), to make the gravity-gloves mechanic only work for looting bodies, not live or un-ragdolled NPCs.
- The cone that an object must be within in order to select it with the gravity gloves (CastDirectionRequiredHalfAngle ini setting) is now tighter by default, with a half-angle of 35 degrees instead of 50.
Version 1.5.7
- Looting is now disabled by default for live actors. This means you can only use higgs to loot dead NPCs by default, not actors who are still alive but have been ragdolled.
- Added options to let you loot live NPCs (allowLootingLiveActors) and non-ragdolled actors (allowLootingNonRagdolledActors). To be able to loot actors that are both alive and not ragdolled, PLANCK is required as it makes NPCs physically present while not ragdolled.
- Looting is now disabled for ghosts
- The HIGGS c++ and papyrus API now have functions to let you get/set any of higgs' ini parameters at runtime. As an example, this could be used to dynamically enable/disable the gravity gloves functionality based on a perk, or have the distance be dependent on magicka.
- Added a setting to disable being able to two-hand daggers (allowDaggerTwoHanding, default true)
Version 1.5.6
- Fix projectiles hitting the player's shield/weapons/hands not being treated as if they hit the player. This should fix arrows floating mid-air if they hit your shield.
Version 1.5.5
- Fix player hands/weapons having no collision for a short time after fast travelling. This was because your hands/weapons would need to move at some maximum velocity all the way from the old location to the new one and this could take a little while. They now get moved instantly if they are trying to go past their max speed.
- Add back the ability to grab your horse while you are riding it via the AllowGrabCurrentHorse ini option (defaults to false)
Version 1.5.4
- Collision between the player and grabbed dead bodies is now automatically disabled even if collision between characters and dead bodies is enabled through mods like "Fixed Body Collision". This new method should have no drawbacks and so the OverrideBodyCollision ini option has been removed as it is now obsolete.
Version 1.5.3
- You can no longer grab your horse while you are riding it, which interfered with other actions
- Fix crash when two-handing your weapon while it's hidden (while you're swimming, etc.) and other cases where no valid geometry is found on an object when grabbing it
- Fix hands/weapons not colliding with bipeds if the game decided to alter the biped collision layer
- A pdb is now included to make diagnosing crashes with the latest Crash Logger VR version more helpful
Version 1.5.2
- Hand collision size is now much larger when in werewolf / vampire lord form
- Hand collision size under normal circumstances is now slightly longer
- Fingers will now only open up when near an object only if the hand is moving below a certain speed. This is mainly to keep the fist closed during a punch.
- Added an ini option to scale the size of the player weapon collision objects
Version 1.5.1
- Movement is now slowed depending on the mass of the held object while holding an object that is not a live npc
- Fix weapon collision being behind where it should be at low time scales (while time is slowed)
- Add more functions to the higgs c++ interface
Version 1.5.0
- Grabbing bodies is now much more precise. Higgs now selects which limb to grab based on the triangle (vertex weights) that is selected to grab instead of which collision object was initially selected by the physics queries.
This also applies to other objects that have more than one collision object. - There are now collision haptics upon initial collision with an object (the first contact point that actually moves the object) no matter the speed of the collision, which should feel a lot more natural than only contact points with high enough speed.
- The physics-based grab (used for bodies and other objects with physics constraints) now universally handles bhkRigidBodyT instead of just for bodies.
- Fixed several cases of weapon collision not swapping properly when switching weapons
- The default grab distance/radius has been increased
- A slew of new functions have been added to higgs' c++ interface to prepare for an upcoming mod
- The amount of logging has been significantly cut down, and higgs' log level can now be set in the .ini
- When looting a quiver of arrows from a body with higgs, the correct number of arrows is now looted istead of one arrow at a time
- Several miscellaneous fixes and stability improvements
- Grabbing bodies is now much more precise. Higgs now selects which limb to grab based on the triangle (vertex weights) that is selected to grab instead of which collision object was initially selected by the physics queries.
Version 1.4.6
- Another fix for one of skyrim VR's bugs! The base game does not handle certain types of collision objects properly for the player's melee hit detection. Prior to now, the collision used for hit detection for some weapons could be offset or rotated completely incorrectly (due to the game not handling bhkRigidBodyT transforms), such as for chilldrend or the bound sword/dagger. This also affects HIGGS's weapon collision. Note that handling the collision properly now makes it so that the bound sword/dagger need to have their collision patched to be able to two-hand them at the hilt - use the "Improved Bound Sword and Dagger Collision" mod to fix this.
- The size of HIGGS's weapon collision is now scaled properly based on your hand size when using VRIK. This means that in general it will be smaller than before, as the default hand size for vrik is 0.85.
Version 1.4.5
- Detection of whether a hand is in a position to grab something now works properly when the palm is inside the collision geometry of the object. This should make grabbing more consistent overall, but especially improves weapon two-handing (since the offhand does not push the weapon aside as it would with a regular object) and especially while moving.
Version 1.4.4
- Grabbing/two-handing will now ignore geometry that has vertex alpha data which averages below a certain value per vertex. This means that you will not grab onto as much semi-transparent geometry as before, such as certain effects on bound weapons, the fire effects on your weapon from the Conduit mod, as well as stuff like the wispy effect on the 'glow dust' item.
- The ini now includes a blacklist of geometry node names to ignore when grabbing things. For now, this only includes a couple of nodes from various bound weapons. In combination with the change above, this should make all bound weapons perfectly two-handable without grabbing onto their visual effects by accident instead of the underlying weapon.
- The vanilla game's grab mechanic (holding the 'activate' key while pointing at something to make it float in front of your hand) now gets disabled upon startup. If you want to keep this mechanic available, set DisableVanillaGrab to 0 in the higgs ini.
- Some hooks have been made faster / more stable, but this probably won't be noticeable
Version 1.4.3
- Fix bad two-handed transforms using opencomposite, as well as maybe other cases. This was most noticeable with the crossbow.
- Fix objects whose physics object is a bhkBlendCollisionObject from not moving with the hand when grabbing it with higgs. This applies mainly to weapons dropped by enemies while not using USSEP.
- Two-handing for spellswords! You can now two-hand a one-handed weapon even if you have a spell in the offhand. The spell effects are hidden while two-handing in this case.
- Daggers can now be two-handed just like anything else
- Added OnStartTwoHanding and OnStopTwoHanding events to the higgs papyrus/c++ api that fire when you grab a weapon with the offhand as well as when you let go
- The CanGrabObject function in the higgs api has been changed to include all of the checks that higgs is doing to determine if the hand can grab an object such as what is equipped in the hand, instead of just checking whether the hand is performing any other higgs actions like already holding an object, pulling something, etc.
- The DisableTriggerWhenWeaponsSheathed ini option has been removed. Use STUF VR instead if you were using this.
Version 1.4.2
- Fix the vrik body disappearing in certain cases while holding a weapon with two hands
- vrik's head bobbing is now disabled when holding a weapon with two hands
Version 1.4.1
- Fix broken transforms for two-handed weapons when using left-handed mode
Version 1.4.0
- Equipped weapons can now be held with both hands. This applies to two-handed weapons, crossbows, and one-handed weapons (except daggers) while the other hand is empty.
This can be done by grabbing anywhere on the weapon with your offhand, in the same style as grabbing anything else with higgs.
The two-handing does not affect damage or any other weapon statistics. I have added an IsTwoHanding() function to the higgs papyrus/c++ interface to allow other mods to make adjustments to damage or anything else as they see fit. - Various changes have been made to the rollover menu while on the back of your hand. It will no longer show the A button prompt, and will instead contextually show either a controller motion icon when ready to pull an item, a trigger/grip when ready to grab, and no icon while the object is held.
- The rollover hud on the back of the hand will now fade in/out based on if you are facing the back of your hand while holding an object. This should make it get in the way less. It will also fade in gradually when initially grabbing an item, as well as when letting go.
- In addition, higgs will now auto-detect if the activate button is bound to Grip (i.e. through the vrik controller bindings), in which case it will set the activate button in the rollover hud under normal circumstances to the grip icon instead of the A button.
- For people using Dual Wield Block VR < 1.6.0, please update to >=1.6.0. Older version incorrectly affect blocking with two-handed weapons and will lead to unexpected blocking behavior when two-handing weapons with higgs.
- Equipped weapons can now be held with both hands. This applies to two-handed weapons, crossbows, and one-handed weapons (except daggers) while the other hand is empty.
Version 1.3.0
- Finger animations when grabbing objects / the hand is near an object are now done entirely by higgs, instead of using vrik 0.8.1's finger interface, and in general should be much faster to animate.
This means that finger animations are now supported when not using vrik (or using older versions than 0.8.1 dev build 28), as well as with vive and wmr controllers, which are currently unsupported by vrik.
Additionally, this means that the fingers are the same when fists are out as when the hands are sheathed (beforehand, the thumb's range of motion was much more limited), as well as cases like the arrow hand with a bow out or the offhand for a two handed weapon.
The only thing left using the vrik interface now is disabling the vrik head bobbing when something is grabbed. - The thumb now uses a more realistic-looking open pose, so should look better than before when grabbing.
There are also now 2 thumb curves considered instead of one, where an alternate one that closes in from opposite the other fingers is used if the regular one (which basically crosses under the other fingers) misses. - Weapon collision is now disabled for half a second when successfully hitting something with the weapon. This should lead to fewer enemies launching off into the stratosphere when killing them and having them enter the ragdoll state and being immediately collided with.
- Fatal errors when initially loading the mod will now log immediately and try and show a message box right away, instead of queueing it up. It looks like people weren't seeing logs in this case, so hopefully this should address that.
- Regression: Held objects using the keyframed grab (the regular grab used for most objects) now have their physics prevented from deactivating again. I messed this up in 1.2.2.
- Finger animations when grabbing objects / the hand is near an object are now done entirely by higgs, instead of using vrik 0.8.1's finger interface, and in general should be much faster to animate.
Version 1.2.2
- Properly handle bhkRigidBodyT transformations for held objects. This caused some objects to have their collision misaligned while held, and then teleport a bit when dropped.
- Fix improper object placement when an object is grabbed through the higgs papyrus/c++ interface. This caused items grabbed from Spell Wheel VR to be positioned badly.
- Use an alternate thumb curve for finger intersections while fists are out instead of being sheathed. This should make the thumb nicer when unsheathed, but its range of movement is still limited compared to when you are fully sheathed.
- Add ini options to allow grabbing/pulling/etc. with the arrow hand while a bow is out but no arrows are equipped, as well as with the offhand while having a two-handed weapon in the main hand.
Version 1.2.1
- No longer process blood or decal geometry when grabbing things. This could cause performance issues when grabbing bodies with lots of blood decals on them.
- Fatal errors when initially loading the mod will now show up in a message box and terminate, instead of silently writing to the log file and terminating
Version 1.2.0
- Equipped weapons now collide with other objects just like the hands
- Skinned objects (bodies, books, bows, etc.) now get their geometry skinned at the time of a grab, and so now fully support hand / finger positioning
- Grabbing bodies / other constrained objects now moves the hand to match the point grabbed on the object, meaning grabbing boddies/etc. now looks much better.
In addition, when holding constrained objects, their velocity is damped when colliding with something, so that they won't freak out when colliding.
You can enable this alternate grabbing style for all objects by setting ForcePhysicsGrab to 1 in the ini. This will make all objects collide and be stopped by the world while you're holding them. - There is now a magical beam that shows which point on an object you have selected once you hold the trigger/grip on a selected object
- You can now grab / pull weapons from weapon racks and display cases
- When first grabbing a weapon or a torch, it will now attach where it would be if it was equipped
- Angular and tangential velocity is now inherited from the hand by dropped / thrown objects
- Hand collisions now have collision sounds, and more subtle sounds are used when picking up / dropping objects
- Catching should be much easier now, due to using a large sphere for grabbing just the object that was pulled by the gravity gloves
- The havok fMaxTime and fMaxTimeComplex settings (essentially the length of the physics step) are now adjusted dynamically to match your framerate. This should mean you no longer have to set it yourself, and no longer need to worry about reprojecting since it will be adjusted to match the reprojected framerate.
- Fix a shadow update bug in the base game, where an object having its physics settle would cause a delayed shadow update and the object would be unlit for a few frames before receiving/casting shadows again. This could get _very_ annoying.
- Constraints around hand position / orientation when having an object locked in for selection have been removed. This should mean no more deselecting of objects while trying to perform the pulling motion.
- Turns out I wasn't reading the nearcast ini settings... now I am. Sorry.
- Fix wrong mirroring of rollover rotation ini settings for the left hand
- Held keyframed objects (the regular grab) can no longer have their physics deactivate if moving the hand too slowly. This should make things a little more stable.
- Fixed position of the first knuckle when computing finger intersections with objects. This especially affected the thumb, so finger positioning should look better for the thumb now.
Version 1.1.0
- Food, potions, and ingredients can be directly consumed from the world by dropping them at the mouth instead of the shoulders.
- Books will now be picked up instead of activated when dropped at the shoulders, and dropping them at the mouth will activate them. In addition, dropping a spellbook at the mouth will immediately learn the spell.
- There are now haptics when the hands collide with other objects, as well as when an object that you are holding collides with another object. This means that holding something like a bowl with apples in it, you'll feel the apples bounce around in the bowl.
- Haptics are no longer framerate dependent, and are somewhat stronger across the board
- The vanilla game's haptics when you point at something new have been disabled. Can be reenabled in the ini.
- The text on the back of the hand now changes contextually depending on if you're about to pull, grab or loot something. In addition, when looting a body, the item name now appears on the back of the hand instead of the name of the actor. Additionally, the rollover menu is now hidden for a short time after letting go of an object.
- When pulling an object, the velocity is now set for a longer duration at the beginning of the pull. This should make pulling objects more consistent if they're in a confined space.
Also, the pull duration has been tweaked to be shorter for closer objects, and objects are now moved back a small amount when grabbing them after pulling. This should lead to nicer positioning of objects grabbed out of a pull. - Bodies can now also be looted by holding the body with one hand, and then grabbing the same part of the body with the other hand and pulling away.
- Weapons grabbed from bodies when using USSEP will now be looted from the body before grabbing, since USSEP makes dropped weapons part of the body
- The rollover menu on the offhand will no longer shake when moving the right hand, and in general should not flicker any more on either hand
- Added an option to disable all trigger input while weapons are sheathed. This is useful if you use trigger for higgs and find that you miss pulls often and end up unsheathing your weapons
- Added an option to disable looting from bodies entirely
- Added an option to disable collision with bodies, at the cost of one hand not colliding with the body while it's held by the other hand. You may want to use this if using the mod 'Fixed Body Collision'
- The position and rotation of the rollover menu while on the back of the hand is now configurable
- Added a c++ api and more events to the papyrus api
- Performance has been greatly increased for areas with large scenegraphs, e.g. in cities
Version 1.0.5
- 1.0.4's input input retriggering when pointing at something and letting go quickly was not working properly when grip was bound to activate. This is now fixed.
Version 1.0.4
- Fixed a crash that could occur if an object got deleted (activated or through other means) at the same time as grabbing, especially when swapping hands
- Grabbing with the other hand while the held object is at a shoulder no longer activates the object and instead properly puts it in the other hand
- No longer re-trigger grip input upon exiting a menu with that grip
- Made it so that If you press and let go of the trigger / grip without grabbing an object but only select it for pulling, then input will be retriggered. This should help out people using the vrik bindings with the grip bound to activate, as their input will no longer be 'eaten' just by selecting something without grabbing it.
Version 1.0.3
- You can now pull dropped shields from bodies affected by the USSEP fix that makes dropped weapons/shields part of the corpse
- No longer play two sounds when swapping an object between hands
- Removed an assertion that could cause the game to crash in a rare circumstance when grabbing an object after pulling
Version 1.0.2
- Dropping an item over your shoulder now gives you the correct amount of the picked up item. Before, it would always give you 1.
- VRIK head bobbing is now automatically disabled when holding objects in your hands, and re-enabled afterwards.Otherwise, they bob up and down as you move. This behaviour can be disabled in the ini.
- Default preempt time in the ini lowered from 0.3 to 0.03 to prevent delay when grabbing a vrik holster with the grip.
Version 1.0.1
- You can no longer pull off armor or weapons from bodies that are not marked as 'playable', as these could cause crashes or inventory bugs
- Grabbed embeded arrows no longer float in the air when dropped
- Author's activity
August 2024
05 Aug 2024, 9:20PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS VR\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:20PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS VR\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:20PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS VR\' description changed.
File \'HIGGS VR\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:20PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS VR\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS VR\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS VR\' description changed.
File \'HIGGS VR\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS VR\' description changed.
File \'HIGGS VR\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS 1.5.8\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' description changed.
File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' description changed.
File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' description changed.
File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' description changed.
File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:19PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
05 Aug 2024, 9:18PM | Action by: FlyingParticle
Attribute change
'File \'HIGGS\' category changed to Old versions.'
- Mod page activity
September 2024
19 Sep 2024, 5:17PM | Action by: BloomPeters
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
19 Sep 2024, 12:02PM | Action by: fafa22
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
19 Sep 2024, 3:28AM | Action by: GrossEagle
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
19 Sep 2024, 3:07AM | Action by: DeathBringer2023
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
18 Sep 2024, 1:19PM | Action by: docheda
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
18 Sep 2024, 11:38AM | Action by: landseer1
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
18 Sep 2024, 4:43AM | Action by: VealeDonut
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
17 Sep 2024, 5:41PM | Action by: Twixscoper
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
17 Sep 2024, 5:15PM | Action by: paynetrain00079
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
17 Sep 2024, 12:35PM | Action by: KamilOnCrack
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
15 Sep 2024, 8:15AM | Action by: nhzrlk
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
15 Sep 2024, 5:42AM | Action by: UntamedSkies
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
15 Sep 2024, 3:51AM | Action by: elijahsmangos
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
14 Sep 2024, 11:54PM | Action by: Shamalamadindon
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
14 Sep 2024, 9:48PM | Action by: Saiflost1
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
14 Sep 2024, 8:20PM | Action by: dreadfather92
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
14 Sep 2024, 7:33PM | Action by: nickyv420
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
14 Sep 2024, 4:57PM | Action by: AlexeiSemper
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
14 Sep 2024, 9:29AM | Action by: Rasp121
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'
14 Sep 2024, 12:38AM | Action by: 666reddic666
'HIGGS - Enhanced VR Interaction'