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ayrasci - See Credits Section

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About this mod

Adds decorations in towns/cities, new Halloween-themed weapons/armor/spells/items, new vendors, hidden treasures, an exploration-based quest, a new follower and a growing compatibility patch collection!

Permissions and credits

All the GOOD screenshots by SpookyDovah


  • Two companion mods (sold separately): Dracula's Castle and Monster Mash
  • Halloween Decorations in ALL Towns, Villages, Cities and Inns
  • Halloween-Themed Weapons, Armor, Clothing, Spells and Other Items for Sale, Hidden or as Rewards
  • Exploration-Based Quest starting in Whiterun outside the Bannered Mare
  • Get a Pumpkin Head follower as a reward!
  • 4 New Vendors in Solitude, Whiterun, Windhelm and at the Bloody Tankard Shop (Outside Morthal)
  • Jason Voorhees as your personal stalker (after lvl 10) follower for a bit each day - See Below
  • Adds wandering small spiders, cats, and bone guards (Bone Guards in walled cities only - yes they really guard) to the cities and towns
  • Harvestable pumpkin plants and scarecrows at some farms
  • 18 Hidden Soul Cairn chests with powerful (mostly) Halloween-themed loot are also hiding around Skyrim
  • Toggle-able Features via Spell (Spell should be added automatically, if not a Tome is available for free at all Halloween Vendors): 
- Pumpkins (except vendor-related ones)
- Bone Guards
- Spirits
- Jason Stalker
- Cats
- Vendors (removes vendor stand pumpkins as well)
  • Growing Compatibility Patch Collection included with the Main Installer (See Below)
  • Plus many more surprises! Pics only show a small portion. See video above for a bit more info

Available in the Main Installer:

  • Halloween Main Menu Replacer: (This is outdated, but mostly still works) Replaces Background and Music - Removes Startup Video and Creation Club News - No Plugin

  • Halloween Load Screen Add-On: Featuring Halloween mod items and corny Halloween jokes (punchlines included at no extra cost) - ESL-Flagged

  • Creepy Moon Add-On: Replace Skyrim's moon's with moons taken from Zelda: Majora's Mask and Soul Eater - No Plugin
  • Arachnophobia Patch - Changes all the tiny spiders to tiny rats - Reverts Stump

  • No Water Edits - Reverts edits to the water in Markarth and Whiterun, so ENB Water works
  • Remove Follower Dialogue - Adds conditions to prevent followers from being affected by the Halloween dialogue options
  • No Bandit Edits - Reverts changes to outfits for some of the bandit bosses
  • No Nonsense Edition - Removes the extremely not-lore-friendly items like the Mario and Link items from vendors and prize chests

Available in the Files Section:
  • A Music Add-On: Replaces Skyrim explore and combat music with darker, horror-style music and Halloween-inspired music - Directly replaces music files - No plugin

"Costume" Armors:

Available at vendors and/or possibly as powerful enchanted prizes in Halloween chests

  • Pumpkinhead Helmets - 4 variants
  • Drakul/Medusa armor combined into "Evil Armor" - will change based on player gender
  • Anonymous mask
  • Heisenberg hat/sunglasses
  • Hero's (Link) Armor - Green, Red, Blue and Gray (Dark) - Latter 3 are enchanted
  • Vampire Armor, Draugr Armor, Necromancer Robes and various other vanilla robes and armor
  • "Replica" Dragon Priest Masks (clothing variant and enchantable)
  • "Replicas" of other rare items such as Clavicus Vile's mask
  • Draugr, Bear, Dragon Skull, Vampire Lord, Roast Ox Head and Many Other Masks (or helmets in a few cases) 
  • Wizard/witch hats - variety of colors
  • Horns - 3 different styles
  • Necromaster robes and Toxin Doctor outfits
  • and more...
I did not create these armors, so if you like them, please check the credits below and go endorse them!
Quoth the Raven Quest:

An exploration-based quest involving The Raven (by Edgar Allan Poe) starting by talking to the pumpkin outside the Bannered Mare in Whiterun. Defeat the Raven to free a new, custom follower named Pumpkinhead.

Jason Voorhees:

  • Um, well, this didn't go as planned. XD 
  • As of 3.7 changes have been made to stop him - if you're updating, you may need to use the console to disable him one final time or find his cabin
  • Jason's Cabin is still in the game, but it's now lockpickable
  • Spoilers be damned... :P It's directly SE of Sleeping Tree Camp
  • After picking up Jason's mums skull, you'll get a power to summon him once a day for 10 minutes
  • If you drop the skull, it'll float in mid-air :O, and you'll lose the ability to summon Jason
  • You can upgrade the cabin to a Halloween-themed home by activating the knife by the door on the way out
  • Jason will begin to stalk you at level 10, but he can be disabled using the Halloween Options spell if you don't feel like being stalked.
  • Meanwhile, he's pretty easy to escape. He'll still follow for a considerable distance but will lose you if you travel great distances on foot. 
  • Killing him for good will require seeking out his home, which you can take for your own as a Halloween-themed player home
Recommended Mods to Enhance the Experience:

Mostly ESL-Flagged Compatibility Patches:

Available in the main installer - just select what you need (request new patches in the comments):

  • Installing this with a mod manager like Vortex is recommended since there's a ton of files
  • If you are using my Dracula's Castle mod, there will be many conficting files. They are the SAME files with maybe a couple exceptions. I suggest letting the Dracula files load after this since I may have altered some things (can't remember), but it really shouldn't matter.

  • There are very few file conflicts that may pop up otherwise involving other mods (some animal/creature, skeletons, moons, and spiderweb textures for sure will conflict with other mods that change those things but won't cause crashing - in Vortex let the textures you prefer run "After" - in other mod managers idk...)
Known Issues:
  • Version 3.5 may be the last VR-compatible version. This may also affect people playing on pre-AE Skyrim versions. Let me know if you get it working. My Creation Kit install stopped working a while back, so I was forced to install the newest version. I haven't yet found a way to downgrade it since the downgrade patcher hasn't been updated since 2022 and doesn't work on CK version 1.6.1130. I've been told that version 3.6 of this mod crashes on load with VR.

  • New pumpkins do not have collision. I have no idea how to add it. Help!

  • NOT fully compatible with Open Cities - anything placed in the main Skyrim worldspace will be visible. Anything placed inside the previously walled cities will not be there.

  • When toggling pumpkins on, the inside may not appear immediately. They will come back and work fine though. Try looking away and back again or worst case scenario going inside then back outside if it happens.


This project started in October 2019 when I noticed that one of my favorite mods, the Epic Halloween Overhaul by Teirdalin, hadn't been ported to SE or updated for a few years. After porting it myself (video I posted at the time), I was a bit bummed by the unchanged state of the mod and a few things getting in the way of other mods I wanted to use. I had no idea how to mod or use the creation kit at the time. (Thanks DarkFox127!!) Initially, I was just going to fix the problems I had with it for my own personal use, but at some point, I got carried away... 

At this point, it's a whole new mod! (with some similarities...) My main goal for this project has been to create a more compatible Halloween mod with more modern assets. Another goal of mine has been learning to use the Creation Kit and other tools needed to mod. 

Thank you to Teirdalin for the inspiration and all the creators who've made their amazing resources available to the community!

  • Did I forget anyone? - Let me know!

Thank you to all the artists and modders who created these assets and made them available! You are amazing!

Pumpkin Models:

Since I couldn't find any high-quality pumpkin models available, I bought a set of royalty-free jack-o-lantern models and textures to use for this from Getting them in game was another nightmare altogether  (Thank you to both the Skywind and Beyond Skyrim teams for the combined solution!!). If you want to use these models, you should probably pay the artist? Not sure how that works...

If anyone knows how to fix the pumpkin models (adding collision and fixing the slight coloring issue that sometimes occurs), please help! I would really appreciate it and of course credit you on the page! :)

Music Credits:

If I am using any music that belongs to you and you would like me to remove it, please let me know and I will happily do so. Otherwise, thank you all so much for your musical brilliance!! :)

Main Menu Replacer Song:

Halloween Music Add-On Songs:
Happy Halloween!! 👻