ESL version (ESPFE/ESP with Record Flags ESL/ ESP tagged ESL)
You will find 3 companions in the Battle-Born Farm (near Whiterun). They have Spells Tomes to offer you ...
Bugs or Problems
The wheels will not spin and your character will tend to slide to the right or left of the saddle (I had a lot of trouble adapting the horse's skeleton to the chopper, if anyone could do better ...)
If you have my other mod « Dwarven Motorcycle with Parking and Highway », to avoid hopping significantly above the chopper ! you have to place the. esp at the bottom of the list in the "Data Files" when you launch the game
You can only have one follower at a time: if you want a different one, you need to dismiss the first one before you recruit them.
If you have any problem with the dialog box (Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor – Dismiss), or if telling the follower to return at home doesn't dismiss him, or if you have lost the active follower, you can try this:
Type “²” or "`" or "~" key to get into console, and type:
set playeranimalcount to 0
With Amazing Follower Tweaks , or other mod with followers, if problem to dismiss the followers, you can uncheck this mod (AFT or other) when you launch the game
If problem with the Dialog Box of the followers/ companions (Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss) you can also enter / exit a house or make a fast travel
The Chopper is based (animations in particular) on the skeleton of a horse, in spite of all my efforts it remains some sounds related to the horse impossible to make disappear
But you have this :
Miscellaneous File No Horse's sounds for all the MOTORCYCLES and (WARNING) ALL THE HORSES !
You can put in your Skyrim.ini ( user / my documents / my games / Skyrim ) the following settings (you can copy / paste the following):
These settings allow you to see all mounts correctly, whether your character takes his weapon out or not.
Sub000 for Chopper