File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

The Blender Animator

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Safe to use

About this mod

This mod aims to improve all of the dust in Skyrim (Usually given off by the sun rays coming out of windows).
It does this through the use of 3d rendered dust particles.

Permissions and credits
This mod aims to improve all of the dust in Skyrim (Usually given off by the sun rays coming out of windows).
It does this through the use of 3d rendered dust particles.

Resolution and performance
This mod will have a relatively small impact on V-ram as the dust only uses one texture which is only 1k (default for Skyrim is 128x128).
note: There are 3 texture but the game only likes to use one per scene

Like most texture mods this mod is compatible with everything provided you overwrite any mod with this mod if there is a conflict,


Software used