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Dama Karmelowa

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  1. damakarmelowa
    • premium
    • 397 kudos
    To celebrate the upcoming new year, I added a small banter patch with Thogra gra-Mugur, a newer mod of mine. In a way, Vito was the first implementation of a few concepts that I later used for Thogra, so I thought it might be interesting to have them interact. (Also, I happened to have Vito installed when playtesting an upcoming Thogra update, lol.) There are 4 banters between Thogra and Vito, and 1 between Thogra and Alaina. No AI, it's either voice acting (Thogra) or splicing (Vito and Alaina).
  2. JuliaFaye
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere but is there a reason this was removed from Bethnet? It's been a while so I don't even remember if you ported it yourself or had someone else do it but I found that there is just a replacer but not the actual mod itself. Side note, the new Thogra with the new voice also is missing files and doesn't work. Again, sorry to post this here but Bethnet doesn't really have posting on specific mods.
    1. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      Thanks for the heads up, I've removed the broken link from the description. I don't really have anything to do with the ports, so I don't know why it was deleted. For the other issue, it would be best to contact the port creator directly. 
    2. JuliaFaye
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ok thanks so much for the response! Does that mean you give permission to port it over to Xbox again? I only ask because it says no upload permissions in description and to port it over, they need written permission from the mod author. (Might be why it was removed in the first place if it was an illegal port)
    3. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      I give permission on my end but looking at my permission notes, it seems like some resources I used are Nexus only? Sorry, it's been a few years so I don't remember which ones exactly, but if the port creator didn't get permission from the asset makers, maybe that's indeed why the port was deleted. 
  3. Kirby1993
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    we need more Vito 
    1. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      At this point I've really scraped the barrel of how much I can splice out of Isran's voice. Any further developments would probably have to use AI. I'm not categorically opposed to AI, but if I make a mod with splicing then splicing is part of the fun for me and voice cloning just wouldn't hit the same, you know? But idk, maybe I'll manage to wring Isran's voice set for more lines some day, I'm not saying no, haha.
    2. FoxytheBlack
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Maybe find someone to do actually voice him. The Skyrim Voice Alliance is a great place to look for help with this kind of thing! 
    3. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      That's a big time (and possibly money) investment that I'm not interested in at the moment. 
  4. urbon
    • premium
    • 1,104 kudos
    Woah, love Vito. Such a gift that banter.
    You did a great job with this follower. Some will think is basic compared to other big followers around, but his interaction, his quest, his attitude against vampires, his romance...Vito is great!! love to have a vampire hunter on my side. And Isran's voice is nice haha. 

    Thank you! 
    1. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      I'm really happy to hear that! Glad you like the update!
  5. originalNexusGOD
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Damn, one of the best voice-overs I've heard from a follower mod! Good job, and ty! ;D
    1. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      Aw, thank you! Since it's a splice of Isran's voice, I'm glad to hear it's not too choppy, haha.
  6. wakinglife
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    H! I really liked your mod :) I would like to know if Vito will comment on quests and locations? And what quests exactly?
    1. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      Thank you! He has a few comments - he'll have something to say about each city in Skyrim, when you join a guild, or at a few points during the Dawnguard questline (and at one point during the main quest). However, you need to talk to him first, he's pretty quiet and doesn't really volunteer his opinions unless asked.
  7. Avandalon
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Hello. I was wondering if you were considering a patch for the featured creation "A tale of blood and snow". It is about vampire clans and I would be so happy if you could get a hit on Vito as part of the radiant quests or Vito to be able to comment on the storyline. Thank you
    1. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      Thank you for the suggestion! I haven't played that creation, but I'll keep your suggestion in mind if I ever do.
    2. Avandalon
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Oh I highly recommend you do. It is based on some very fragmentary planned vanilla content and it is worth the price 
  8. salometoy
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I'm kind of stuck on his quest. We are both at the half moon mill and he just keeps pacing back and fourth. There are no options in his dialog pertaining to this quest to continue. What is suppose to happen next?
    1. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      The quest arrow should point to the location. You can also try moving the stage with console, or look for the location entrance yourself (check behind the murder shack).
    2. Citachi0
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      I have encountered such same problem,and when I use setstage console,he will still be pacing back and forth again and again.I guess I need another way of solution.
      Edit:Killing all animals along the way can help the quest work.
    3. Freyr95
      • premium
      • 100 kudos
      I had the same issue. Had to look up the quest in xEdit then just use the console to move it forward.
  9. kenco1884
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hert killed but No DB quest started (or wish to do so) and no CRF, so how to have Hern spawn so he can be killed for the Half-Moon Mill quest bit?

    Edit: found out it completes with just Hert dead, but as Captain still says they'll get new Mill worker, wonder how they'll react when Hern spawns later.
    1. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      There might be a bit of a scuffle but the new mill worker is essential iirc.
  10. ramoram
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Just downloaded this mod and making a new load order for Legacy Of The Dragonborn upcoming update and what mod is that where the cost to rent a room is 100 gold for a day!!! O_o
    1. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      Lol no idea but not this one
  11. mythcraft
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    dont know where he is, could someone give me his location?
    1. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      Talk to the innkeeper in Falkreath, she should give you what you need to get started.
    2. deleted174540579
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      That inn keeper doesn't mention anything about this hunter.
    3. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos The dialogue option is visible in this screenshot.
    4. jbelaguas
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey I found Vito at his location after reading the letter but it doesn’t give me the option to advance/recruit him. Any reason why? 
    5. damakarmelowa
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      Try saving and reloading the game in front of him. 
    6. jbelaguas
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Unfortunately this didn’t work. I’ll look into xedit a little bit to see what’s up.