Only to have the same effect as i do, I use the Light version
Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
Conversion permissionYou can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
Asset use permissionYou are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
Asset use permission in mods/files that are being soldYou are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation pointsYou are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
Credit myself and all other creators listed in the credits of the mod page. You may upload, redistribute, modify and transform my work as you see fit, without restriction. The permissions outlined here do not apply to any mod compatibility patches or other author's work included in my mods, as that would require their explicit permission.
File credits
mjorka created and implemented Sovngarde. underthesky taught me how to make the font alignment patch, which has improved every release since his help. Talwick wrote the guide to using Sovngarde with a book font replacer. Props to the amazing testing team!! Tarshana, Doc, Ender, Chris, Kojo, Barbarian. Sovngarde light came into being because of your support. Thank you.
Donation Points system
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Added the nine Irish dotted letters (lenited consonants).
Created 12% smaller version for German to fix missing numbers in perk skill trees. Supports all other languages too, so use this version if you experience that bug.
Fixed missing download images on modpage.
Dabbled a bit more in the font's kerning. Still definitely not perfect, but I don't have the time to overhaul everything.
No need to download new font patches, the previous patches between Sovngarde 8.8 and other fonts works just fine with Sovngarde V8.9
Version 8.8
Added a resized version of Sovngarde as the console font. Previous version in 8.7 was much too small.
Version 8.7
Added the missing capital ẞ (sharp S) Germanic letter.
Added the missing Ё & ё for Russian users.
Fixed the double line perk descriptions for Ordinator users. What happened was, the second line of the description was cut off. It's been previously fixed but somehow it happened again. This time it's 100% fixed though! Applies to all languages and versions.
Added Sovngarde as the console font to overcome the default console font being incompatible with the wide array of languages it needs to support.
Version 8.6
Fixed the "ю" letter that was mistakenly displaying as "o" for Russian users.
Fixed the books being filled with squares on every language but English with the new open source book font (Drukaatie Burti by Kārlis Kalviškis). I took Drukaatie and added support for the missing languages so it would support all 8 languages. More info about Drukaatie listed in the credits.
Version 8.5
Fixed graphical glitch seen on the uppercase M in only the light version of the mod. Updated all file versions to 8.5 for clarity.
Version 8.4
Added Russian/Cyrillic support. This is a brand new set of glyphs and not dependent or related to the Russian version made for V7.
Re-added Polish support after stabilizing the files and retesting them thoroughly.
Added seamless switching between languages. What this means is, you can download ONE file and access all 8 supported languages without having to access your mod manger to swap out files at any time.
As usual, font compatibility patches are not compatible with previous versions due to a change in the way the game will lookup Sovngarde in the fontconfig.txt file.
Fixed the Portuguese/Spanish question mark that was facing the incorrect direction in V8.3
Made the patches with 12th Century and other fonts work seamlessly across any version of Sovngarde you have installed (light or bold & V8.4+).
Version 8.3
Added apostrophe support for Sovngarde Light & Bold.
Recreated Sovngarde Light with streamlined characters and every improvement it missed out on since V7.
Version 8.2
Now supports the glyphs used in text from Lost Library, Ambriel, Legacy of the Dragonborn and Immersive Wenches. Finally no more boxes in dialogue or books!
Resized the numerals to be even with the peak vertical heights of the uppercase glyphs.
Resized the Sovngarde console font and created inverted bracket versions of the console font to match the primary font in the inverted files.
Removed all overlap causing blank space such as the following glyphs: #, +, Æ, ł, Ł, Đ.
Version 8
Reweighted all letters for every supported language.
Standardized all uppercase letter heights. Specifically raised B, A, O, Q, G, V & W to the standard height exhibited by K, M & T.
Resized a majority of lowercase letters to the standard height exhibited by "a".
Created an entirely new set of numerals set in the new style of Sovngarde.
Changed all punctuation weight and majority of punctuation glyph styles.
Adapted existing glyphs or replaced all punctuation with new glyphs and designs.
Shortened the length of the uppercase L's lower arm.
Replaced the console font with a larger version of Sovngarde.
Added and tested full support for Polish, which had not worked in earlier versions since the transition to 64bit from 32bit. Just remember to download the Polish USSEP translation or you'll have English mixed throughout your game.
Removed support for Cyrillic until a proper version is created and tested.
Fixed the misspelled console font reference in the fontconfig.txt in the first version of V8.
Version 7
Fixed missing dragon shout symbols in the magic menu.
Now compatible with Ordinator & other perk overhauls. Displays multi-line perk descriptions correctly.
Turkish beta now available.
Desktop edition now includes a Turkish version. Now includes both OTF & TTF.
Implemented a fix for the missing second perk description lines in Cyrillic.
Added the Russian TTF to the Desktop Edition.
Version 6.2
Replaced asterisk with new design. V6.1 had an apostrophe before the asterisk when typed. That issue was fixed with this update.
Polish support added.
Version 6.1
Fixed backwards Spanish question mark.
Version 6
Added both guillemets.
Uppercase & lowercase glyphs are finally a uniform weight.
"B" now has a unique glyph that isn't a repurposed "P".
Updated Cyrillic to display properly in SSE.
Version 5
Shout descriptions no longer clip.
Added the interpunct (middle dot) glyph for compatibility with Storage Helpers.
Fixed a bug with displaying the letters "YO" and "yo" (e with 2 dots). Dash above "i kratkoe" is now larger.
Version 4.2
Added missing Euro glyph.
Cyrillic version is now available.
The "X" glyph in the Cyrillic version is different than in the multilingual version.
Added degrees symbol.
Version 4.1
Sovngarde desktop edition is now available.
Added support for Portuguese.
Added ordinal indicators ª and º for Italian, Portuguese & Spanish.
Version 4
Slightly adjusted the kerning on many of the rounded characters in the font.
Inverted closed brackets edition released.
Font placement within all the menus has been adjusted so the font is in line with all the icons and arrows throughout the journal & inventory.
Added Polish glyphs, but due to display issues in-engine, Polish isn't supported till a solution comes to light.
Version 3
W now has a unique glyph rather than being an upside-down M.
All lowercase letters are now bold and match the uppercase letters perfectly.
A Matter of Time compatibility added.
German & Spanish are supported.
Version 2
Enlarged the size of periods, commas, colons, semi-colons, exclamation points, question points, and the grave accent.
French & Italian are supported.
Version 1
English is supported.
Sovngarde is a font I conceptualized and designed by hand based on Skyrim's intro title.
Supports English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish & Russian languages, along with 2 font weights!
Meet Drukaatie Burti, the new open source font included with Sovngarde to replace the book fonts! Features the same expansive 8 language support and an immersive inky look.
Experience Tamriel with more immersion, authenticity and the feeling only a true RPG font can give.
Supports 8 languages including EN, FR, DE, IT, ES, PT, PL, RU.
Features Daedric brackets.
Imperial Septim international currency symbols.
Now features Drukaatie Burtie, an open source font I upgraded to support all 8 languages Sovngarde does.
Compatible with Ordinator and all other perk overhauls.
See mirrors to get this font for other platforms and Elder Scrolls titles.
All original font creation files are available in the desktop edition download. Just download them and modify and use the font in all kinds of creative ways!
INSTALLATION Install Download using your preferred mod manager. or drop the unzipped Interface folder into your Skyrim/Data folder.
Uninstall Uncheck in your mod manager. or delete fonts_sovngarde.swf, fonts_sovngardeconsole.swf & fontconfig.txt
COMPATIBILITY Sovngarde is compatible with every mod that doesn't replace the primary Everywhere or Console fonts. Basically, if you have any complimentary custom fonts, download a patch from the optional files or learn how to patch it with the tutorials here.
Menus and dialogue display languages other than what you're playing in.
Install USSEP, then download the appropriate translation if you play in any language besides English: DEPLFRITESPTTK
Low resolution or pixelation on the font.
For users with ENB, delete SMAA files if you use an ENB preset that uses SMAA. Be wary of using Reshade as that usually reshades your font also, which can have very visually adverse effects.
I'm getting jumbled animated letters
Outdated skyhud.txt. Please migrate your old skyhud.txt to the new one properly. To do this copy the values of your old config into the new one. If there are settings missing in the new config, ignore those settings.
mjorka created and implemented English, French, Italian, German, Russian, Spanish, Polish & Portuguese.
underthesky taught me how to make the font alignment patch, which has improved every release since his help.
Talwick wrote the guide to using Sovngarde with a book font replacer.
Props to the amazing testing team!! Sovngarde light came into being because of your support. Thank you.
Drukaatie Burtie is an open source font that can be downloaded here: and was created by Kārlis Kalviškis. Since it's open source, I took the font files found at the link provided and expanded the language support to include Polish & Russian so I could use it with this mod.
Patching Sovngarde for compatibility with other fonts ~ A Guide by Talwick
1. Copy fonts_sovngarde.swf & fonts_sovngardeconsole.swf into the Interface folder. 2. Open fontconfig.txt in Notepad+. Add: fontlib "Interface\fonts_sovngarde.swf" ... to the top of the document. 3. Edit the following values to the font names listed and save a backup of your fontconfig.txt file prior to doing so. map "$StartMenuFont" = "Sovngarde" Normal map "$DialogueFont" = "Sovngarde" Normal map "$EverywhereFont" = "Sovngarde" Normal map "$EverywhereBoldFont" = "Sovngarde" Normal map "$EverywhereMediumFont" = "Sovngarde" Normal 4. These instructions apply to both light and bold versions of the font.