About this mod
This is my first custom armor mod made from scratch. I wanted to do a female armor which provided some real protection for the wearer and looked nice and realistic. I've been inspired much with Falka - a fantasy character mentioned in Andrzej Sapkowski's prose.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- French
- Changelogs
- Donations
This is the official port of Kozakowy's Falka Armor, for female UNP bodies.
Meshes and textures have been optimized for Skyrim SE with Ousnius' SSE Nif Optimizer, and the ESP has been updated in the Skyrim SE Creation Kit.
To get the armor in-game either:
a) add it to your inventory: use the console command "help 'falka' to obtain the ID codes and "player.additem [ID code] [number of copies]" or I would highly recommend you use AddItemMenu
b) the Falka armor set can be crafted with the Elven armor perk
c) see below from the original mod page how to find the armor in-game
You can find the original mod here: Kozakowy's Falka Armor
DreezNation has created an optional CBBE bodyslide: Kozakowy Falka Bodyslide
Q. Does this work with CBBE body?
A. Yes! There are no cut-outs or revealing armor pieces so there are no body clipping issues.
Q. Does this have physics support/can you add physics?
A. No and no. Kozakowy is the owner and author of these files and I only
have permission to port them. As I understand he's continuously working
on improvements for his outfits and maybe one day there will be physics.
Q. Why do I have a neck/hand seam?
A. The outfit is designed, with no weight adjustments, for a 0 (zero) body
weight. If you wish to eliminate any neck and hand seams reset your
weight appropriately.
Q. When I remove the boots, I have no legs.
A. The boots are designed to cover the entire foot, leg and thigh area. The armor covers ONLY the torso and leave the thighs and legs as empty. Wear the Falka boots along with the Falka armor or else this will persist.
What follows below is from the original mod page. If you love Kozakowy's work, please stop by, download and endorse the original.
TESTS courtesy of dianka33
If you like it please ENDORSE :)
If you love it please DONATE :)
UPDATE 1.8-beta
- Saskia retex available (a worn version can be found via solving the riddle in the book, a clean version can be crafted)
- Opened and closed helmets available
- Added thickness to certain steel parts
- Added more mesh resolution to the bolero and the breast plate part
- Added lining to the Brigandine parts
- Wrote "The Book of Saskia" for you guys which tells you where to find Saskia
UPDATE 1.2-beta
- Contains a cuirass and separate boots, gauntlets and a helmet
- it's enchantable
- It's craftable under Advanced Elven Armor
- The armor values and weights are balanced
- Ground objects added
- New cubemap by Humus
1. Description:
This is my first custom armor mod made from scratch. I wanted to do a female armor which provided some real protection for the wearer and looked nice and realistic. I've been inspired much with Falka - a fantasy character mentioned in Andrzej Sapkowski's prose.
Consists of:
- the armor itself
- a short puzzle to solve before you just get it ;)
2. Known issues (PLEASE READ BEFORE USING!!! ):
- NO GLOVES INCLUDED - you can use whatever works ;)
- the armor is ONE-PIECE so far - separate boots and gloves are still to come!
- there's no weightslider compatibility so please turn the weight down to zero to avoid hand and feet seams
- some minor clipping may occur but this rig is the best I can ;)
- female only
3. How to get it in game:
- the hints are hidden in a chest just to the left from the entrance to Sinderion's Field Laboratory in Blackreach (see the images section for a map)
- If you read the suggestions carefully - the location of the armor will be quite obvious to you ;)
4. Installation:
- I suggest using MO or NMM you can also extract the package manually.
5. Uninstallation:
- again I suggest using MO or NMM or you can remove the .esp file and mod's folders
6. Terms of use:
- You are not allowed to reupload this mod to other sites without permission.
- You have to ask me first if you want to use any part of this mod in your own such as follower mod, mashup mod, etc.
- You have to ask me first if you want to convert the outfit to other bodies.
- You have to ask me first if you want to recolor/retexture the outfit.
- You are not allowed to publicily share any your modification of this mod, private sharing is allowed.
- You are not allowed to convert this outfit to other games.
If you have any questions please ask.
7. Special thanks:
To SkinJack for doing the actual conversion and sharing it.
To dianka33 for quick and decent screen tests.
8. Community thanks:
BlackMaid, Ista3, polingc, lesjones, klaxoid, ShmooZ, Corfus, Misslexi, Roksa, ajhardy, Zerofrost, Nataly1q2w3e4r5t, Beba, gurleygirl, dianka33, DonProtein, antistar, Bison1967, ArchMageLilithianna, Sparrowjuice, ShinglesCat, anaphiel, FastBlackCat, Excellentium, Kayol, Kalilies, Pandorable, RaenielCuthalion, popkorn666, sorca97, Artsick, Dovahkiinathay, serkethetyt, and so on... :)
I'm always grateful for supporting and inspiring me all the time.
9. Videos
A high quality showcase by SynGaming.
A beautiful showcase video by Pirate King X with lots of action scenes.
And a really beautiful comparison of few goodies by OdysseusGaming
And a video by Джейден JadenBNSN