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About this mod

Automatically toggles between walk and run modes when you enter or exit civilized interiors and are not in combat.

Permissions and credits
This is a revised version of TaylorSwift's - sorry TemplarSwift's - mod.
I revised the script, removed all unneeded calls to GetCombatState and made it more efficient.
I also added the condition that the script fires only in civilized interiors (houses, shops, inns, etc.) and not in dungeons.

Here is the original description:
The mod switches to walk mode when you enter an interior area and to run mode when you leave the interior or start combat.

You can still manually switch between walking and running at any time.

To disable the mod type the following into the console:
set PwiActive to 0
To activate again replace the 0 with 1.

Based on oldrim underthesky's Player walks Indoors.

All credits to TemplarSwift for the original mod. If you endorse this, go and endorse the original as well, to say thank you.