About this mod
This mod enhances your vanilla Death Hounds for a creepier and more disturbing appearance, by replacing the vanilla skeleton with a custom skeleton. Guaranteed to creep you out 101%.
- Requirements
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Hello fellow modders, I'm Rougeshot and I'm open to any feedback or constructive criticism you may have, but keep in mind that I have a full time career and am in college part time, so it may be a while before I can respond to any comments or questions you may have. Please be patient with any questions or concerns and I will respond as soon as I am able. Please keep tracking my mods and profile for any news or updates to my latest mods!
And if you enjoy the mod hit that thumbs up button so that your fellow modders will have easier time finding this mod among the thousands of others.
Thank you so much for your support.
! ! ! Thank You Brodual ! ! !
If your like me and have been disappointed with the vanilla Death Hounds, then this mod is for you. This mod replaces the vanilla Death Hound skeleton with a new custom skeleton meant to give the Death Hounds of Skyrim a creepier and more menacing appearance. Working within the confines of the vanilla mesh, I enhanced the limbs, neck and skull of the Death Hound and the result is an even more disturbing and intimidating Death Hound that will strike fear throughout Skyrim and the modding community. This will affect all Death Hounds of the Dawnguard DLC.

! ! ! Combat and animation still work perfectly ! ! !

Savage Wolves and Feral Foxes mods are also included with this mod!
You can alternatively upload their new versions, which also contain Hellish Hounds, if you already have them installed.
A fantastic video provided by the gracious AiElias!
Hellish Hounds uses a custom skeleton for the vanilla Death Hounds and will overwrite any mod that makes changes to the vanilla Death Hound skeleton. Mods that make sweeping changes to vanilla skeletons e.g."Realistic Ragdoll and Force" should be compatible as long as "Hellish Hounds" is installed after those mods and allowed to overwrite their files.
Should be fully compatible with any texture mods, since this mod contains no textures of it's own only a skeleton. Which also makes it compatible with most other creature mods that do not edit vanilla skeletons.
Here are just a few that I know are compatible.
Immersive creatures - Compatible
Monster Mod - Compatible
SkyTest -Realistic Animals and Predators - Compatible
SkyTest -Harder Creatures - Compatible
Skywild - Compatible (Load After)
[ [ [ INSTALLATION ] ] ]
Recommend using Vortex or your favorite mod manager.
Install "Hellish Hounds" after any mod that makes changes to the vanilla wolves and "Overwrite" any files when prompted.
This mod includes an "esp plugin", load order shouldn't matter, but keep it below any major creature mods to be on the safe side.
[ [ [ UNINSTALL ] ] ]
Simply uninstall with your favorite mod manager.
Then make a clean save before reinstalling a new version of this mod.
[ [ [ MY OTHER MODS ] ] ]
If you like this mod then I'm sure you'll enjoy my other mods as well.
For a complete list of all my mods for SKYRIM, SKYRIM SE and ENDERAL visit my NEXUS profile @
! ! ! Rougeshot ! ! !