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About this mod

A custom voiced Dunmer Companion with over 400 voicelines, custom features and completely standalone!

Permissions and credits


Note: This is a port from Oldrim. Now available on as well!

Message from Alex
Hello! First off, let me tell you that I'm happy to announce this.
I've been working on this for weeks and then when I almost finished it, I got the flu and some other things came up, but now, here he is.
Thank you very much for checking this out!
Down below you will find all the details about Nereron, this Dunmer companion with a "Morrowind-ish" voice and more.
I hope you will find something about him that you like and wish you lots of fun in your adventures together, should you decide to accept his services!

Nereron is a standalone, custom-voiced companion with over 400 lines of dialogue and an informative Intro Dialogue + Quest.

He suits stealthy thief/assassin/scavenger characters the most but he can handle himself and can thus also prove very useful if you're playing a warrior-like character on Legendary Difficulty for example.

He has been voiced by myself and the entire framework has been made from scratch. I tried, to the best of my abilites, to get a "Morrowind-ish" voice for him.

Nereron is a Dunmer who frequently travels to Morrowind to salvage certain goods which he sells to the Dunmer in Solstheim.
You can learn a lot more about him and a few other things regarding Morrowind during his intro dialogue.

- Over 400 lines of unique dialogue
- Reactions to certain actions/weather
- Intro Quest
- Intro Dialogue
- Item Storage
- Upgrade Gear Dialogue
- Destruction Magic Trainer
Train your Destruction up to level 100!
- Follow Distance Settings
Can set to "Follow close/Further away" and "Close, passive/Further away, passive
- Vendor
You can buy items from him whenever, wherever
- Tracking Marker (Unlocked through talking to him)
Unlocked through random lines in "How are you feeling?"
- Home Location
Talk to him and let him know where your home is. When dismissed, he will return there
- Unequipping of Helmet
Like this, you can actually look at him while talking to him
- Feeling Dialogue
Check in on Nereron and receive some Sujamma, hear some comments, etc.
- Levels with you until Level 999
- Starts as a Level 25 NPC
- Uses a custom Ebony Sword and Destruction Magic
- Wait Command
- Own set of custom Armor with custom Stats
Custom Textures and Stats
- Option to check gear status
This is a Dialogue Option where you can ask him what his current gear is like and you will see a MessageBox on-screen with details
- Sandboxing
Nereron walks around, eats, sits, sleeps and more while you're busy

Nereron can be found at his camp near Ravenrock in Solstheim. If you exit through the south gate, head south-east. You will see a map marker close to his camp as well.

Considering that Nereron has custom Armor that he trusts, he is not going to use gear that you give him (check the next section for details.)
Additionally, since he has a mind on his own and has a somewhat difficult character (in a way), he is also not going to follow any orders like regular vanilla companions.
He will not care if you steal from someone, murder someone; overall if you commit any crimes. Instead, he will have some things to tell you about your actions.
Nereron is best for stealthy sneaky characters but also if you're playing a warrior-like character since he can handle himself in a fight.

Voice Preview

Gear Upgrades
There is custom scaling since he doesn't want to use your armor.
To put it simple: If he has the money, you can ask him to bring his gear to a smith. Once he does, he will come back with better armor and a better sword. If he does not have enough money, buy things from him to get some coin in his purse and then ask him to upgrade his gear.
He starts with "Level 1 Gear" and the maximum Gear Level is 5.
You do not need to worry about him falling behind with Armor Rating and Damage. You can temper your armor and so can he.

(Incoming is a lot of information and it all looks much more difficult than it is, but if you're interested as to what the exact stats are, you can ask Nereron what his current gear level is and here is a list with all the stats of all Gear Levels if you want to have a look.)

Here is an explanation with details:


Armor Rating gained per Gear Level
Level 1: +0 per Armor piece
Level 2: +4 per Armor piece
Level 3: +6 per Armor piece
Level 4: +10 per Armor piece
Level 5: +16 per Armor piece
(This excludes his helmet for all Gear Levels due to him not willing to let anyone tinker with his helmet. It was a precious gift.)

Weapon Damage gained per Gear Level
Level 1: +0
Level 2: +5
Level 3: +8
Level 4: +12
Level 5: +20

Stats (Per Gear Level)

Level 1 Stats
Armor Rating: 60.5

Helmet: 13.50
Cuirass: 30.00
Gauntlets: 8.50
Boots: 8.50

Sword Damage: 11


Level 2 Stats
Armor Rating: 72.5

Helmet: 13.50
Cuirass: 34.00
Gauntlets: 12.50
Boots: 12.50

Sword Damage: 16

COST: 250 Gold

Level 3 Stats
Armor Rating: 90.5

Helmet: 13.50
Cuirass: 40.00
Gauntlets: 18.50
Boots: 18.50

Sword Damage: 24

COST: 450 Gold

Level 4 Stats
Armor Rating: 120.5

Helmet: 13.50
Cuirass: 50.00
Gauntlets: 28.50
Boots: 28.50

Sword Damage: 36

COST: 775 Gold

Level 5 Stats
Armor Rating: 168.5

Helmet: 13.50
Cuirass: 66.00
Gauntlets: 44.50
Boots: 44.50

Sword Damage: 56

COST: 1125 Gold


Possible FAQ:
Q: What are all these numbers?
A: If Nereron has Level 2 gear, you can tell him to upgrade his gear to Level 3 for 450 gold.
The way he can pay for it, is if he has 450 or more gold in his vendor inventory.
You can help him by buying items from him. If you don't find anything in his inventory that you like, keep leveling up.
He will have better items in his stock the higher your level is and he sells a bit of everything.

Q: This seems overpowered, what about it?
A: The reason why the stats are so high is because all he gains from leveling up is Health, Stamina and Magicka. He doesn't have any perks besides the sneak roll. That's why he has flat gear stats that increase.

Q: How exactly do these gear upgrades work?
A: Per Gear level, there is always more Armor Rating and Weapon Damage added to the pieces of gear. This way, it just gets better and in the end, he can be a useful companion if you're playing on Legendary Difficulty. You don't need to worry about making him gear. All he needs is money and your word to go let a smith play around with his armor.

Install with NMM or manually.

Uninstall with NMM or manually. No nasty scripts will be left over.

Nereron should be compatible with any mods, because he's completely standalone.
If you're using a mod that alters vanilla companions, he will be unaffected.

- Archiving into .BSA archives once I'm sure that everything is alright on everyone's end
- The possibility of "Tell me about yourself" to check on his story in case you skipped it during his intro
- Upload to Done