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File credits
Insanity - For blankets/curtains/card meshes/towels mellowtraumatic - for some of the meshes and textures ported from TW2 Oaristys - Modders Resource Pack 1 & 2 Tamira - Statue/SeaView Resource/Plants Stroti - Old Mill/Small House/Oven Resource MrSiika - SeaView Resource KunoMochi - Navmesh/Testing/Screenshots sumojellybean - Brigida Dress Nemesis - Eilhart Dress Fierymarigold - Swift Steeds Resource ZX - map mesh Blary - alchemy clutter/books wrig675 - saddle mesh/texture (edited a little by me) artsip (deviantart) - paintings WesleyWalesAnderson - Cynthia outfit (Nilfgaard Mage Armor) L0rdOfWar - Guards armor (W2 Armor pack) Lolicept - Lolicept Resource Tlaffoon - rugs/tapestries Kalilies - KS Hairdo's zn00p - Lovely Hairstyles Jokerine - Jokerines Misc Rec Caliente - CBBE body HHaley - Fair Skin Complexion Artisanix - Paintings and Frames hitman2277 - Towel outfit lazyskeever - Windows Resource And last but not least, CD Projekt Red for their meshes and textures and for creating such a fabulous game.
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This is an SSE port of one of the most beautiful player homes I've seen on Nexus: Deithwen, created by imAarwyn and ported with her permission. You can check the original mod here.
Attention 1: For now there is only the "No Stable version", which is what I use for compability with Dawn of Skyrim.
Attention 2: Theres 2 versions of this mod, the original one (which has a loading screen between the living room and the kitchen), and a version without the loading screen.
Mod Description (from the original mod page)
Greatly inspired by the architecture of Novigrad from The Witcher 3, I put this place together with many different resources, including meshes/textures ported from The Witcher 3 by myself or others. If you follow my other mods, you should know by now that I'm quite a big fan of The Witcher series myself and with that being said, I put a tremendous amount of effort into making this house as relative to the Witcher as possible.
This home is in Solitude.
-A player horse with a custom mesh and saddle (named Roach, of course ;D) with stable (not present in this "No Stables" version) -Meshes/Textures ported from The Witcher 3 and The Witcher 2, including things like wall textures/floor textures/paintings/furniture/clutter/etc -Custom Gwent Card textures made by me (and some ported by Oaristys) -Unique NPC's based off of characters from The Witcher -Interactive environments (Idle markers assigned to NPC's as well as furniture markers for followers) -A treasure room with weapon display -Portal to a magical paradise (inspired by Keira Metz's bath illusion in the Witcher 3) -Bathing area -Kitchen -Enchanting area -Outdoor forge/smithing area (not present in this "No Stables" version) -Real windows with other buildings/trees visible outside -Guards -Fully Navmeshed exterior/interior -Beautiful paintings featuring fanart's from numerous deviantart artists (see credits) -Entire exterior was built from scratch, as well as most of the interior
** Now compatible with Riverside Lodge, with patch in downloads tab **
-Check "Credits" tab for the original mod credits -imAarwyn for creating the mod and for letting me port it.