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About this mod

A small Player Home with custom storage and more that can be accessed at any given time.

Permissions and credits
This is a smaller Player Home with almost anything in it that we need. It has lots of custom storage and everything has been hand-placed. It only uses vanilla items and models to still somewhat nicely blend in with the rest of the game.  
This is yet another thing I made for myself that I decided to share with you.

How to enter
In Helgen, jump through the hole in the tower once more and this time you'll find a mage. He has the book on him.
Once you pick up the book and read it, you'll be teleported inside the house. We can leave the same way we enter; by reading the book OR also using the main door of the house. 


As of 1.1.0, you get the book added to your inventory when you launch the game with the update for the first time.
The mage still spawns and you can still get it that way. Can drop the book if you prefer actually searching for it.

- Can be accessed from anywhere by reading the book you obtain
- Returns you to the exact same spot you were before
- Lots of custom storage (Soul Gem Box, Alchemy Salts, Books, Spell Tomes, Food, Drinks,  Ores, Ingots, Pelts, etc.)
- Vanilla-themed
- Journal you can write in which is going to level up 1 random skill per day (holds 1 maximal charge due to limitations)
- Player Bed gives Well Rested bonus
- Completely NavMeshed for Companions (they can walk inside without getting stuck)
- Plenty of Idle Markers for Companions (they can look around, interact with things, read books, etc.)
- Many more things

1.1.0 Features
- Added the cellar
- Companions can use the bath, too
- Some more storage in the cellar
- More weapon plaques in the cellar
- Can change the color of the water by using the Bath Essence chest placed on the bath
- Changed the color tone of the entire house a bit
- The book is now always added to your inventory when launching the game with this for the first time
- The mage still spawns with the book

Just install manually and enable the plugin or install via NMM.

This is entirely standalone and shouldn't conflict with anything at all.
As long as nothing completely overhauls Helgen which makes the mage unreachable, it'll all be fine.

- The book isn't a Quest Item. You can store it. Don't lose it.
- If you lose the book, you can craft a copy at any alchemy table.
- The Leveling Journal holds one charge and not more.
- When you use the Journal, give it a second to pick whatever skill it wants to level up.
- The Cellar Trapdoor is now accessible.
- When the mannequins are placed somewhere else in the room (typical vanilla bug), save and reload or sometimes equipping/removing something on them fixes it.
- I haven't had any bugs in the final version when I playtested this but make sure to let me know if you find anything. :)