Bro why do all the good mods have footprint textures? I'm tired of Fluffy Snow looking like hallowed sand straight out of Terraria; I need something 4k like this without the foot fetish bruh..
The color of the snow for me is volcanic ash grey. How do I make it whiter? It doesn't even look like snow. Any other ways? I used "Paraphernalia - Snow Colour Fixes" for dynamic snow 2.11 as well but it didnt work or change anything.
For those of you that have dark grey textures on objects,rocks and landscapes and use Skyland AIO you can fix the bug by deleting this mod diffuse in effects folder
I know other snow mods have a texture for Are there plans to add one in this? I know it's been around for a while. Still my favorite snow mod.
this mod is compatible with Seasons of Skyrim ?
thanks for any help and advice
I would however complement with the brightest add-on from Paraphernalia - Snow Colour Fixes to make it less grey when rendering through TexGen.
I won't be patching it for pfuschers mod but you're welcome to do so :)
Should be compatible though, when I think about it, it's just textures