Start and complete the "Mourning Never Comes" quest without joining the Dark Brotherhood. This alternative quest can start only if you have "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood" active or completed in your journal. --- ESP-FE
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Renamed all the dialogue script fragments to avoid possible conflicts with other mods. Safe to update anytime.
Version 1.1.4
Added the missing voice files for the innkeepers' rumors, generated with SKVA Synth.
Version 1.1.3
Detected and fixed one script fragment conflicting with "Forgotten City", they had the same name.
Version 1.1.2
Forgot to pack one script fragment, sorry.
Version 1.1.1
Fixed a blunder: the mod says Windhelm where it should obviously be Markarth.
Version 1.1.0
You'll be able to marry Muiri without killing Nilsine (if your speechcraft skill is high enough), but only if you update before reporting the death of Alain Dufont.
Version 1.0.1
Packed loose files in BSA.
Version 1.0.0
Initial release.
If the "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood" quest has been started or completed, some of the innkeepers report a rumor about a girl in Markarth who's looking for a Brotherhood assassin. Go talk to her -- let her believe that you're with the Brotherhood -- kill the bad guy -- get your reward.
If you don't kill Astrid in the hut, thus starting the "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood" quest, the Brotherhood questline will proceed normally and this won't do anything at all.
She'll still be marriageable if you don't kill Nilsine, but only if your speechcraft is high enough (50) when you talk to her to complete the quest.