About this mod
Ported and fixed The Ravens Breezehome by Helixien
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by Helixien

What I fixed:
* Open Cities Skyrim compatible.
* Fixed all errors inside the plugin.
* Fixed floor of the house so you'll no longer fall under the map.
* Fixed NavMesh in interior.
* Fixed NavMesh in exterior.
* Removed one exterior NavCut, so your followers can go to the garden.
* Removed wind noise from the interior.
* Fixed invisible bookcase bug.
* Fixed weapon displays in first floor.
* Removed two weapon displays in second floor (they break the sounds in house).

IMPORTANT! You need to start a NEW GAME to play with this mod! Don't even try to use it with existing save because you'll break the Breezehome!
For Advanced users only!
If you want to use this mod in existing save try this:
1. Remove all your stuff from storages. Everything you leave in th house will be gone.
2. Tell every NPC in the house to get outside. Every NPCs in the house would be stuck and just gone.
3. Now get out of the house yourself and make a save.
4. Now reset the breezehome cell.
5. Clean your save from scripts via Fallrim Tools or other tool.
5. Now install the mod and restart Skyrim.
6. Load the save and move everything inside your new, amazing Breezehome!
I don't support this option! You're doing it on your own risk.
The layout for the house, as you will notice, is clearly based on the vanilla Breezehome, as well as Elianoras/Goatk Breezehome (I took the idea with the tower from there), plus I added another two rooms in the back.
The house itself looks just glorious! Its unique in every way, since I spent hours and hours working on the custom shelves, etc and also a lot of time getting the lighting to work so far (still not perfect, but pretty good). It features a lot of storage, beds for kids and housecarl and a lot of books! Like, really a lot of books!
- You don't need to buy upgrades for the home. Almost everything is included from the beginning (The only thing that you need to buy is the Kids Room. If you don't buy it, there will be no option to have childrens in Breezehome!).
- A retextured exterior for the Breezehome!
- House Storage & other: House Storage is one big place for everything. Never bother with 1000 of containers again, one place for everything! Other: Storage for Food, Soul Gems, Potions and Gems.
- Working gramaphone with about 1 HOUR of music made by Vindsvept! You can even skip tracks! (tracks will stop once you leave Breezehome).
- Displays and Storages: Displays unique items and storage for books (bookshelves and other), quest items (like scrolls), unique items, armors and weapons!
- Unique item storage can be turned on and off!
- Garden with planters outside of Breezehom!
- Custom desgined furniture, build out of a lot of normal vanilla meshes into an awesome interior. You have no idea how much time it took!
- Each room has a unique design and layout! Starting from the amazing kitchen to the Magic Tower!
- Working Children's Room with beds and everythign vanilla Breezehome overs!
- Unique clutter made with hearth so that it looks realistic!
- Amazing Lightning! Well, it depends on your ENB but it looks really good!
Not fixed yet/ not fixable:
- 1 interior NavMesh that can't be undeleted. This is because of the DLCs and I can't fix that.
- Music from gramaphone plays outside the house if you load an autosave that was created by leaving the house.
- It's impossible to place bigger weapons (like 2h swords) into weapon racks.

Helixien for permissions to port The Ravens Breezehome
Thanks to K13RaN64 for fixing the hearthfire adoption stuff!
DarkFox127 for help with scripts and general things
Hodilton for screenshots!
Font 1 for the logo
Font 2 for the logo
Logos (Raven, Hunter, etc)
Cloud for Logo
Vindsvepts for music
jacknifelee also Runspect and Tamira for (Skyrim Toy Story)
Elianora for (Elianora's Extra Resources)
DarkFox127 for (Creation Kit Tutorials and Resources)
All folks from team that created (TESA Ressource Kit)
Tamira for (Stroti Resource Pack 1.2)
lolikyonyu for (Lolicept Resources)
MrDanSG1 for (Modder Display Compendium)
Insanity´s for (Clocks)
Blary for (Ingredients in a Jar Resource)
Saerileth for (Wind Chime Resource)
Insanity´s for (Pillows)
Darkrder for (Celtic Decor)
Insanity´s for (Wall Charts)
Tamira for (Strotis Resource Pack)
Tamira for (Strotis Kitchen Tools)
markusliberty for (Cyrodiil Ship and boat resource)
Blary for (Food Container Resource)
Tamira for (Phitt's Fishtank 1.0)
BrettM for (The FPI Aquarium Kit)
Garnet for (Riften Fish Market)
Jokerine for (Seashells)
mrpdean for (New Lakeview manor meshes)
stoverjm for (Open Books)