About this mod
Official port of Kozakowy's 1600 Isabella De Bourbon Court Gown for UNP bodies to Skyrim SE. Now with optional Elisif clothing replacer.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
- Changelogs
This is the official port of Kozakowy's 1600 Isabella De Bourbon Court Gown, for female UNP bodies. Version 1.3 update includes Kozakowy's most up to date fixes and the 'black' outfit version.
Meshes and textures have been optimized for Skyrim SE with Ousnius' SSE Nif Optimizer, and the ESP has been updated in the Skyrim SE Creation Kit.
To get the gown in-game use the console command "help 'bourbon'" to obtain the ID codes and "player.additem [ID code] [number of copies]".
I would highly recommend you use AddItemMenu
You can find the original mod here: Kozakowy's 1600 Isabella De Bourbon Court Gown UNP
Universal Elisif Replacer File:
The Elisif replacer patch requires the main mod. It'll work for any Elisif overhaul or vanilla, as it only changes the default starting outfit. However, it will not change Elisif's clothing on a current save-game.
Q. CBBE version where?
A. I'm not well skilled in outfit conversions. At this time, there is no CBBE version, and I'm not going to be the one to make it, and likely neither is Kozakowy. If you'd like to see a CBBE version I recommend you POLITELY ask some of the amazing CBBE outfit conversion mod authors.
Q. Does this have physics support/can you add physics?
A. No and no. Kozakowy is the owner and author of these files and I only have permission to port them. As I understand he's continuously working on improvements for his outfits and maybe one day there will be physics.
Q. Does this work for CBBE/bodies other than UNP?
A. Since there is no body mesh displayed it'll likely work fine for most body types, including CBBE. However, it will force the UNP body shape on your character when you wear it. See the sticky post for example images of a CBBE body in the gown.
Q. What happened to my feet?
A. By choice, player feet/legs were removed while the gown is worn to prevent any clipping issues. Don't worry, your feet/legs are still there and will return when you unequip the gown.
What follows below is from the original mod page. If you love Kozakowy's work, please stop by, download and endorse the original.
UPDATE 1.3-beta
- Normals fixed, the details should render consistently in various lighting now
- Textures compressed to BC1 and BC3
UPDATE 1.2-beta
- black version added
UPDATE 1.1-beta
- the ruff has been remodelled, more puffy and closer to the original regarding fabrics and details
- the original pendant added - unfortunately it reaches only the waist because of the geometry limit ;)
- an original pearl headpiece added (fits only some hairstyles - usually those of medium volume)
- a pair of pearl earrings added - just as these in the painting of mr. Villandrando
1. Description:
Some time ago I came accross a painting by Rodrigo De Villandrando of Isabel De Bourbon Queen of Spain - the first wife of Filip IV. The painting caught my eye instantly with the superb ambience and lighting, but above all - the outfit the queen is wearing. After examining it I thought this one should definetly go 3d ;) and, as I'm currently playing around with some creations for Skyrim, could become a mod. So - here it is :)
The master did an enormous effort picturing the details of the dress thus portraying a powerful lady with all the enormous richness she and her husband could afford. The outfit is very modest regarding what can be seen and what is covered (no boobies or even a decolette sorry ;P) but you can easily see that every inch of this design is filled with gold, pearls, rubies and top quality craftsmanship of that time.
The story of this woman is not very happy - she had an unsatisfying relationship with her husband but she had some luck - she nearly died in a fire got rescued though. Nevertheless she remained one of the style icons of her times.
And now for the taste:

You can also view the hi resolution image at wikimedia.
This mod is not lore friendly but I wouldn't argue if it would be available at Radiant Raiment or at least at Divine Elegance ;)
2. Known issues (PLEASE READ BEFORE USING!!! ):
- there's no weightslider compatibility so please turn the weight down to zero to avoid hand and feet seams
- the weights aren't optimised the skirt can live its own life in some poses and the long sleeves will definetly clip the skirt. I have no tools to make it work better :/
- female only
- invisible boots added (you will see feet clipping through if you use other type of boots)
3. How to get it in game:
- type in console 'help "bourbon" ' , you will get all needed IDs.
- type in console 'player.additem XXX Y'. XXX means necessary ID, Y means count of items you want.
4. Installation:
- I suggest using MO or NMM you can also extract the package manually.
5. Uninstallation:
- again I suggest using MO or NMM or you can remove the .esp file and mod's folders
6. Terms of use:
- You are not allowed to reupload this mod to other sites without permission.
- You have to ask me first if you want to use any part of this mod in your own such as follower mod, mashup mod, etc.
- You have to ask me first if you want to convert the outfit to other bodies.
- You have to ask me first if you want to recolor/retexture the outfit.
- You are not allowed to publicily share any your modification of this mod, private sharing is allowed.
- You are not allowed to convert this outfit to other games.
If you have any questions please ask.
7. Credits:
- all parts of the armor are modelled from the scratch by kozakowy
- big thanks to zerofrost I've learned much looking at his armors
- thanks to anaphiel ShinglesCat Corfus misslexi excellentium kayol kiparisova lesjones BlackMaid ajhardy for loads and loads of inspirations :)
- the hairdos are by ShinglesCat and kalilies
- the gloves in the dark shots are made by AmethystDeciever
8. Videos:
And now for the astonishing showcase of the mod by the one and only lesjones:
And a beautiful set of armor favorites of 2018 by DonProtein: