Hi everyone. Having taken stock of everything in my life at the moment, I've decided to go on indefinite hiatus from Skyrim modding. I'm letting you all know so that you will understand that I won't be responding to any comments, bug reports, or messages for the foreseeable future. If you'd like to make a third party patch or translation of one of my mods, you may feel free to do so and release it.
I have appreciated all of the affection many of you have shown towards my work, and hope that many more will in the future.
Can these be merged or are any of the scripts dependent on any of the plugins (plugin reference in any of the scripts)? Yes, I am aware that these are esp-fe plugins, but even they have limits (for those who don't know the approximate number limit: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ip5w2p/stress_testing_skyrim_why_the_limit_for_esl_files/ )
I'm playing in some tests and can say what much overhauls under Ultimate College of Winterhold is making freezes, bugs and some other issues near College interior and exterior areas (also, with many many patches on it). So, I'm turn this mod to OFF and want to know - which pre- and light overhaul for College in Winterhold are better? And with more informative comments, pls.
To save the curious that want to know and don't want to unnecessarily die of boredom searching for one specific reply in hundreds of comments, here it is
agd25 wrote: Any conflict will break a questline. Put AYOP as low as possible. It works fine with Misc. College of Winterhold Tweaks. Not with College of Winterhold Quest Start Fixes as AYOP changes College entry.
does load order not matter for these 2 plugins then? Should I put MCWT after AYOP? Before someone says it..no I will not let LOOT just sort it. I use LOOT to check for conflicts and missing patches. That's it.
Thank you so much for making this mod and saving me hours, I couldnt buy anymore spells because of the staff of magnus quest and because im on requiem im not gonna be able to finish that quest for a while. I would have had to revert to a previous save and that would have pissed me off so much i would have just quit skyrim
I don't know why but when I try to install this it says 'ocw_obscure's_collegeofwinterhold.esp is missing' when it literally isn't I look at my plugins list and its right there enabled. ?? EDIT: after looking at another comment I believe this is intentional but not written correctly, I have obscures college of winterhold so it doesn't want me to enable those tweaks since the .esp already has it.
This installer isn't detecting any of the mods I have installed (like OCW and Not So Fast), and trying to install it manually is a little confusing because there's a ton of different files and I'm not sure which ones to use.
I don't really understand the purpose of the automatic detection system anyway? I know what mods I've got and I can check boxes
I figured it out, I had to activate the mods for the installer to detect them. This system is still really frustrating for setting up a totally new load order because I have to juggle hundreds of mods and figure out what order I have to install them in for the autodetected patches to install correctly. It would be a heck of a lot easier to just check a box for whichever mods I'm using
This way, if you check that box for a mod that you are NOT using by accident, then the mod you just installed will have missing masters/ cause crashes etc. It makes more sense to just enable every mod you install before moving to others. Vortex does that almost automatically.
Hi there, I don't have Interesting NPCs installed and the installer correctly greys out the options to install the add-on for your "A College Coup" tweak, but the installer still installs the MCWT_ACollegeCoup_3DNs.esp anyway.
Probably just a small error in the installer script and I can always remove the plugin myself manually, but I thought I'd mention it anyway, in case you update the mod in future.
I have appreciated all of the affection many of you have shown towards my work, and hope that many more will in the future.
- Obs.
I'm playing in some tests and can say what much overhauls under Ultimate College of Winterhold is making freezes, bugs and some other issues near College interior and exterior areas (also, with many many patches on it). So, I'm turn this mod to OFF and want to know - which pre- and light overhaul for College in Winterhold are better? And with more informative comments, pls.
- Magical College of Winterhold at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
- Immersive College of Winterhold at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
- Obscure's College of Winterhold at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
- JK's College of Winterhold at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
JK's College of Winterhold (Immersive and Obscure) Combo Patches
At Your Own Pace - College of Winterhold.esp
- This plugin is incompatible with "MCWT_TheAugursAdmonishment.esp", but both are present.
So i guess a compatibility patch will be needed for itEDIT for the curious : I got the answer on AYOP.
Before someone says it..no I will not let LOOT just sort it. I use LOOT to check for conflicts and missing patches. That's it.
EDIT: after looking at another comment I believe this is intentional but not written correctly, I have obscures college of winterhold so it doesn't want me to enable those tweaks since the .esp already has it.
Edit: Seems to have merged fine and hopefully scripts relinked properly when using zMerge
I don't really understand the purpose of the automatic detection system anyway? I know what mods I've got and I can check boxes
Probably just a small error in the installer script and I can always remove the plugin myself manually, but I thought I'd mention it anyway, in case you update the mod in future.
I have been using your mods for years and want to say thank you for your work!