You are not allowed to upload or distribute this file on any other website or platform. You are not allowed to use the assets included in this file without permission from the creator of those assets. You are not allowed to package this mod as part of a mod collection. You are not allowed to use this file in any mods/files/collections that are being sold or distributed for money.
You are allowed to create compatibility patches for this mod as long as the patch requires that the user download the main file from this page in order to work.
Snipey360 and RhaellaStark have been granted permission to port this mod to console and upload the Xbox version to
TRANSLATIONS If you wish to translate this mod into a language other than English, your translation MUST require that the user download the original file from this page in order to work. You have permission to upload and distribute, on, only those portions of this mod that are required for the translation. Do not post translations on additional platforms or websites without written permission from the mod author. You are NOT permitted to release any stand-alone translations that would work without the user first downloading the file from this page.
For questions or to seek additional permissions, contact the author at [email protected].
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
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This mod simply adds a smelter to Riften and Solitude, the two major cities without existing smelters. I tried to pick locations that would require the fewest alterations to the cell while also trying to maintain an unobtrusive appearance.
I've uploaded a combined version with both smelters, as well as separate files for each one, so you can choose to install both cities or only one. Do not use the combined version along with the separate files.
This mod does not make any edits to the navmesh, and instead uses navcut primitives for increased compatibility with other mods.