File information
Created by
mobiusbelmont - XONextGenXOUploaded by
XONextGenXOVirus scan
About this mod
Spring has sprung in Skyrim and flowers are everywhere. This mod adds flower fields to Skyrim and is compatible with grass mods and landscape overhauls.
Fill your Skyrim with color and create all new heights of beautiful fantasy immersion.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- French
- Changelogs
If you like my work, please Endorse or Vote for Mod of the Month. A little appreciation goes a long way in motivating me :)
I am not the original author of this mod. This mod is the work of the super cool mobiusbelmont and I have obtained full written permission from the OG author to port, modify, maintain and further develop this mod for Skyrim Special Edition. Even then, if the OG author finds this mod
in violation of any of their terms, they have the right to BURN IT DOWN!

inspired by the amazing screenshots of dracofish (aka MelissaGT)
This mod adds flower fields to various areas of Skyrim and uses Hodminnir flower resource. The flowers have their own custom landscape texture created in CK and works beautifully along side other grass mods and landscape overhauls.
(The latest version for Skyrim LE is the same same as Version 1.0 for Skyrim SE)
SE Version 1.1
Kudos and credits go to vedan77. Thank you mate!! Kudos and credits go to vedan77. Thank you mate!!
Changed the water height as well as removed sunflower meshes & textures.
Old Changelog
Areas overhauled include:
Whiterun outskirts (tulips and poppys)
Rorikstead outskirts (daffodils, poppys, and tulips)
Falkreath forest and wilderness (lily of the valley, daisy, crocus and more)
Witchmist Grove in Eastmarch (lily of the valley and bluebells)
a few areas in The Rift, Haafingar, and The Reach
Winterhold outskirts (snow and winter flowers)
Riverwood outskirts (bluebells)
Additional areas
The Reach
Hjaalmarch swamp
More areas overhauled in all non-snowy areas
added Grass on Steroids edition with grass density settings at 255 (CK)
The attached video covers two mods - Flower Fields SE and Spring Forest Overhaul SE as both are from the same author and both can be used together to create the ultimate experience!
Spring Forest Overhaul SE: 00:09
Flower Fields SE: 05:22
More areas and flower types to come in future updates. If you have a
suggestion on an area you would like to see overhauled OR a specific
type of flower added, just leave a comment in the discussion section

Each flower field has it's own custom landscape texture and will not
conflict with other texture overhauls for landscapes. All grass mods
and landscape overhauls should be compatible, run LOOT after
installation to sort your load order
**note to users of Unbelievable Grass Two: load flower fields mod AFTER the grass clipping fix
Flower Fields is 100% compatible with Veydosebrom
GRASS ON STEROIDS USERS: there is now an edition of Flower Fields that
contains the "grass on steroids tweak" which will maximize grass density
with no FPS loss (and maybe even a gain in FPS).
You must set iMin GrassSize to 75 (or higher) if you are using this!!!! Download main file first then overwrite with this plugin.
Elysium Estate: creates a huge landscape seam across the entrance (I tried fixing it but I can not)
make sure to have these settings in your skyrim ini file
iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=10 (** this can be set higher for other grass mods like verdant orVeydosebrom without issue)
iMinGrassSize=50 (lower values produce more dense flowers but reduce performance and
FPS. I suggest you try different values until you are satisfied)
***if you are using the Grass on Steroids edition then set iMinGrassSize to 75 or higher

Spring Forest Overhaul SE
Animallica SE
Ultimate HD Fire Effects SSE
Use mod manager or install manually.
Choose only ONE file to install.
BSA versions available for those that install mods manually.
Regular version: high resolution textures
Performance version: all textures have been re-sized to 512K or lower
Make sure Flower Fields is loaded AFTER all other landscape and grass overhauls (if you can't see the flowers this is usually why)
For Grass on Steroids edition, install one of the main files first and then overwrite

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for previews of other projects and mods I'm working on, mods I've made, and play-throughs
dracofish (aka MelissaGT): for the inspirational screenshots and also for helping test this mod
Snufkin: for the amazing sunflower resource Merry Sunflowers
elinen: for the amazing flower resource Hoddminir Flowers