Required for Civil War Battles And Relicment Patch
Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
This work is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
The source code in this work is licensed under Unlicense. To view a copy of this license, visit
The bench model and the Rhysk loading screen model are not licensed under any of the licenses listed above.
File credits
I would like to thank jet4571 for creating the Relicment Hall exterior model. I will like to thank Tarshana for editing the Bench model and helping me with creating the Rhysk loading screen model.
Donation Points system
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If you like my mods and want to send a donation, view my profile page for donation options.
If you like to be part of legal guilds and travel across Skyrim then this is the guild for you. With 15 new quests. The guild hall is located in the Windhelm Market in the southwestern corner of Windhelm. The guild questline is about stopping a group of bandits knows as the Black Diamond Pact from obtaining a powerful staff called Icejiff. You will be going across Tamriel and Solstheim during your adventure.
You can use the How To Play As Alex Border as a character to play the Relicment questline if you like.