About this mod
This mod adds a carriage to Helgen Reborn from CFTO via a small quest as well as adding Helgen as a travel destination via all other carriages (With local prices and regional prices) as well as the hearthfire carriages
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This mod adds a carriage to Helgen Reborn for Helgen via a small quest you can do after the inn is built in Helgen (Basically after the desperate times quest is completed) The Quest giver should be in the inn, talk to Richarde Buckingford. You can also travel down to Helgen via other carriages with local options in Falkreath and Lakeview manor!
I basically made a quest mod to dabble in the creation kit a lot so as this is my first ever quest mod for Skyrim SE please go easy on me :) but I have tested it many times and have found no bugs so far.
Please feel free to leave a comment in the posts section or if there's any bugs or problems leave them there. Any comments in general are also welcome.
Small quest to build up a carriage for Helgen in Helgen Reborn
Fully Voiced
Thoroughly tested (I have not encountered a bug yet)
Travel to Helgen via any other carriages including the Hearthfire ones
Uses the CFTO globals so the price stays the same
Refund works as CFTO does for the Helgen driver as well
Install the main file via NMM (or Manually if you wish), then enable it
by any of your mod managers and make sure it loads after Skyrim.esm and
all the DLCs and before any Bashed patch.esp or Reproccer.esp
Make sure to overwrite anything from CFTO as it is required for this plugin to work
Requires Helgen Reborn and CFTO
Compatible with everything so far, Only Edits Helgen Reborn, Greywater Grotto and Sleeping Giant Inn.
Bugs I can not fix or don't know how to fix
The sitting animation in the carriage backseat for the Helgen carriage is a little off sided. It doesn't effect functionality, its purely cosmetic. Same thing in a way for the Helgen Carriage Driver (Hes floating a bit from the seat but again doesn't effect functionality)
Helgen travel option will be available from the start of the game so you could in theory travel there via carriage when the bandits are occupying Helgen. I tried to condition it via a Helgen Reborn quest but it would stop the main option showing for the none local carriages if you hadn't got to the specific quest stage. If anyone knows a way to fix this, I'm all ears. I will even credit you :)
Thanks to...
Bethesda for Skyrim
Kinaga for the mod Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul
Mike Hancho aka Balok for the mod Helgen Reborn
Version History
Version 1.0 - 01/10/2018
*Initial release