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About this mod

This is a texture replacer for gold coins/Septims. 5 versions available

Permissions and credits

This is my first Texture Mod that was made completely from scratch. 

Five Cities Currency - Skyrim  
has been made with the five big cities in mind. As Whiterun is kind of "the heart" of Skyrim and the story revolves around it, i put its coat of arms on the front and the other four cities Windhelm, Solitude, Riften and Markarth on the back. 

Five Cities Currency - Stormcloak 
Windhelm is the home of Ulrfic Stormcloak and according to the story behind the rebellion, one of his quotes and the "Bear" are put on the front "i fight because i must" and an anonymous ancient nordic quote on the back, which recalls of freedom and ancestry: "Throw off the shackles of Imperial oppression. Do not bow the yoke of a false emperor. Be true to your blood, to your homeland"

Five Cities Currency - Solitude
This version represents the capital of Skyrim., the "seat of the High King".  It is also the cultural heart of Skyrim with its Bard academy. It has its coat of arms on the front and shows the Blue Palace and the Academy on the back

Five Cities Currency - Markarth
 The "White City" or the "City of Stones" was built from the ruins of Nchuand-Zel, which has been re-purposed into the modern city state. On the front you see Markarths´ coat of arms and on the back a Dwemer Puzzle Cube

Five Cities Currency - Riften 
 It is the southernmost and easternmost of all the cities in Skyrim and home of the Temple of Mara shown on the back of the coin


This mod replaces the Gold Coin texture. There will be five different versions of the coin to choose from, one for each city. The plan was lastly to expand this mod to make every city use its own currency simultaneously. If you want that version of the mod you can get it here Five Cities - Multiple Currencies


All textures (diffuse and normal maps) are made in 2k


- download with you prefered mod manager, install and overwrite when promt
- or download manually, extract and put the "Textures" folder of this mod in your Skyrim/Data directory


- disable/uninstall the mod from your manager or remove the files from your Skyrim directory

Also check my other mods