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About this mod

Reach Tree Replacer SSE

Permissions and credits

This mod replaces the existing bare reach trees with leafy reach trees.  This means that the twiggy bare branched trees in the Reach and around Markarth are now in leaf and look much better.  This also means that the trees in Morthal Swamp are now in leaf and looks much fuller and vibrant. I also re-textured one of the bare vanilla reach trees to increase the variety.  

Via mod manager or drop files into data folder. Load order shouldn't matter.

This mod doesn't contain any scripts. It is safe to uninstall at any stage. Simply remove or disable the files.

  • If you want updated LOD, there are optional billboard files available for use with DynDOLOD
  • This mod replaces bare reach trees with leafy reach trees, except for ReachTree02.nif, where I retextured the vanilla mesh due to 'moss issues'
  • I have purposefully not included an updated treeLOD file ( as there are optional Billboard files available for use with DynDOLOD


Given > GKB Green Trees by Ga_Knomboe Boy for the tree meshes and textures
Redditors' Yausd and Steveowashere for helping me with the billboards.

You are not allowed to share, re-use or upload this mod anywhere without my permission. 
You must give full credits to the original author of the resources.
You must not charge for this mod or share it anywhere other than Nexus.
If you link to this mod you must credit me and not pass it off as your own work.
If you use this mod in a video you must link it to the Nexus page and not pass it off as your own mod.