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Created by

Kae Arby

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About this mod

Changes your game's timescale based on whether you are outdoors, indoors or in combat. Can perform periodic AutoSaves.

This is a port to SSE of Kae Arby's Dynamic Timescale. Requires Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC.

Permissions and credits
Changes your game's timescale based on whether you outdoors, indoors or in combat. Can perform periodic AutoSaves.

This is a port to SSE of Kae Arby's Dynamic Timescale. Should you find this version useful please go to the original file, download it, and endorse it in order to show the original author their due respect.

Why, How, wtf?
Sometimes late at night I start asking myself why an old mod does not work in SE. Sometimes, like now, it's simply a matter of brute force and ignorance that finally gets the job done. In this case it was unpacking the bsa file and running the mod thru the CK. After much testing it appears to work as advertised. (I also had PapyrusUtil SE running tho' I doubt it helped.)

And no, don't ask me how it works, you're better off asking Todd.

To check if it is running in game open up the console and type "getGlobalValue timescale" and check that it has changed it to what you have chosen in the MCM menu (yes, that works as well, go figure, eh)

All hail Kae Arby! The original author, genius, wonderkind who put in all the hard work.

(The following was copied verbatim from the original mod description, if there are any changes to be made due to SSE please point them out)

Dynamic TimeScale V4! (ed. - v1.0 for SSE)

Public Domain
(Keith speaking) While I placed this mod in the public domain when I created it, I am now officially saying Dynamic TimeScale is public domain. I have taken this mod about as far as I can go with it. If you want to take this mod and change it, translate it, rip it off, or lay it on a railroad track and flatten it like a penny, be my guest. Don't even ask, just take and do. While recognition of my work would be appreciated, it is not necessary.

WTF does this thing do?
This mod does two jobs. First, it changes the TimeScale based on whether your character is indoors, outdoors, running around in Skyrim's wilderness and whether you are fighting. Second, it can perform an
AutoSave at regular intervals or after certain events (specifically after combat or after picking a lock.)

SKSE 2.0.7 or later (found at skse.silverlock.org)
SkyUI 5.1 or later (found at SkyrimSE Nexus)
If using the Dawnguard or Dragonborn version, their respective expansions. (ed. - Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required, feel free to make your own non-DLC version)

Upgrading not applicable at this time
If you're upgrading from an older version of Dynamic TimeScale, before
uninstalling the old mod, go into the configuration book and under
Advanced Options, select uninstall. Save your game and then upgrade to
the new version.

Dynamically adjusting TimeScales
There are up to six different TimeScales to will be switched to when...

The Wilderness TimeScale is used when your character is roaming around in
the general wilderness of Skyrim (you're not inside a building/dungeon
or in one of the major cities.)

The Indoors TimeScale is used when your character is inside a building or in a dungeon.

The Outdoors TimeScale is used when your character is either in one of the
major cities or you're in one of the "outdoor" dungeons (i.e.

Each of these settings has a partner setting that is used when your character is in combat (which can mean either you have
your weapon drawn, an aggressive NPC is fighting or actively looking for
you or a combination of both.)

Fast Travel, Sleeping & Waiting
Thanks to some new features in SKSE, Dynamic TimeScale will now switch the
TimeScale to the default 20 whenever you open up the map, sleep or wait
menus and will immediately switch back to your desired TimeScale when you
leave those menus.

Periodic AutoSaves
A new feature to DynamicTimeScale. This will perform an AutoSave at
regular intervals and can, optionally, perform an AutoSave at the end of
a combat session or after picking a lock.

The AutoSaves come with a warning message, in the top left of the screen, and a slight
delay to give you time to "get your poop in a group" before for the
AutoSave takes place.

These AutoSaves are put on hold when your character is in any menu, but specifically in a dialog or crafting menu,
and will resume when you leave the menu. (See the configuration
description for details.)

Fully Configurable
First off, this version of Dynamic TimeScale uses MCM for its configuration menu. The configuration book of old is gone.

All features can be configured to your taste or disabled, if you so choose.

All options come with helpful tips, explaining what the setting does and what its default value is.

Dynamic TimeScale Configuration
Standard TimeScales
The left side of the configuration menu are all seven settings for adjusting the TimeScales

Wilderness: This is the TimeScale used when your character is in Skryim's
wilderness, Dayspring Canyon or Solstheim. The range is from 0-60. Setting this to 0
completely disables dynamically adjusted TimeScales. (Default 24 : 1 hour in real time = 24 hours game time)

Outdoors: This is the TimeScale used when your character is in a major city or certain "outdoor" dungeons. The range is from 0-60. Setting this to 0 disables the Outdoors and In Combat Outdoors TimeScales. (Default 12 : 1 hour in real time = 12 hours game time)

Indoors: This is the TimeScale used when your character is inside a building or in a dungeon. The range
is 0-60. Setting this to 0 disables both the Indoors and In Combat Indoors TimeScales. (Default 6 : 1 hour in real time = 6 hours game time)

Combat TimeScales
Wilderness: This is used when your character is in combat in in the wilderness (see above.) The range is 0-60. Setting this to 0 disables all Combat TimeScales. (Default 12)

Outdoors: This is used when your character is in combat in a city or outdoor dungeon. The Range is 0-60.
Setting this to 0 disables uses the Standard Outdoors TimeScale instead. (Default 6)

Indoors: This is used when your character is in a building or dungeon. The Range is 0-60. Setting this to 0 uses the Standard Indoors TimeScale instead. (Default 3)

'In Combat' Means...
You have two options here and you must choose at least one of them. (Default "A NPC is fighting you")

The first option, a NPC is fighting you, is when a hostile NPC is either fighting you or actively looking for you (in MUD/MMORPG terms you have aggro.) Essentially, the combat TimeScales will be used any time you have a red dot on your compass.

The second option, you have your weapon drawn, switches between standard and combat TimeScales whenever you sheath/draw your weapon, respectively.

If you enable both options then the combat TimeScales are used only when you have "aggro" and have your weapon drawn. If you sheath your weapon or no longer have any NPC fighting you (either you killed them all or they gave up) will use the standard TimeScales.

AutoSave Configuration (ed. is this still relevant?)
If you're going to use the AutoSave feature, the first thing that I recommend is that you open up your Skyrim.ini file and change iAutoSaveCount value to something larger than the default 3. I'm using 25, but 10 or any other large number should sufice. It all depends on how many saves you want to keep.
You can find Skyrim.ini in "My Documents\My Games\SkyrimSE\"


Reoccurring Time
This performs an AutoSave ever few (specified) minutes of play time. The range is 0-60. Setting this to 0 disables reoccurring AutoSaves. (Default 5 minutes)

After Picking a lock Time
This performs an AutoSave after you finish picking a lock. The setting determines the minimum time (in seconds) that you must spend picking a
lock (the lock pick screen is open) before it qualifies for an AutoSave. The range is 0-60. Setting this to 0 disables lock picking AutoSaves. (Default 10 seconds)

After combat time
This performs an AutoSave after you finish combat. The setting determines the minimum length of time (in seconds) that combat must last before it qualifies for an AutoSave. The Range is 0-60. Setting this to 0 disables combat AutoSaves. (Default 10 seconds)

'In Combat' means...
This setting is similar to the setting in combat TimeScales of the same name, but is used exclusively for combat AutoSaves. Again you must choose at least one of the options. (Default "A NPC is fighting you")

Delay before AutoSave
Since AutoSaves freeze the game for a brief moment, this setting gives you a little time to get ready for it. The setting is the delay, in seconds,
before the AutoSave is actually performed. The Range is 0-60. Setting this to 0 will perform an AutoSave immediately when it's able.

Show warning before AutoSave
This shows a warning message, in the top left corner of the screen, that an AutoSave is about to be performed. This option is disabled if the "Delay
before AutoSave" is set to anything less than five seconds. (Default enabled)

Uninstall Dynamic TimeScale
When you close the menu screen and return to the game, this shuts the script down, set TimeScale to its default 20, gets everything ready to uninstall the mod and performs and AutoSave.

Technical Details
For Dynamic TimeScales:
TimeScales are only changed when your character changes "states" (enter or leave combat, go from outdoors to indoors, etc.) This means that, if you wish, you can open up the console and change the TimeScale by hand and it will not change again until your character changes his/her state as previously mentioned.

If you disable Dynamic TimeScales, by setting the Standard Wilderness TimeScale to 0, TimeScale will be set back to the default 20 when you close the menu and the TimeScale global variable will never be touched again (unless, of course, you change the wilderness setting again) completely disabling the Dynamic TimeScales feature.

For AutoSave:
This mod attempts to trap circumstances when an AutoSave would be inappropriate, such as when your character dies or enters a new region (any time you see a loading screen). This isn't 100% effective, especially since the mod cannot detect when you've peformed a full or quick save, but stops most instances of possible AutoSave spam.

The reoccurring AutoSave timer is reset any time an AutoSave is performed.
Example: Reoccurring AutoSave is set for five minutes. Three minutes after your last AutoSave you get in a fight and and end of combat AutoSave is performed. Your next reoccurring AutoSave will be in five minutes, not the remaining two.

In Combat times are cumulative, if the fights are spaced apart less than the AutoSave delay. This way, multiple short fights count as one long battle. As an example: Your settings are for a ten second minimum fight length and a ten second delay before AutoSave.
You have two fights, the first last six seconds and the second lasts five. If the second fight starts within ten seconds after the first fight finishes, the two fights are considered as one fight lasting eleven seconds and qualifies for an AutoSave. If the second fight doesn't start before that ten seconds, they are counted as two separate fights, neither qualifying for an AutoSave.

Lock pick times are not cumulative. I thought about making them cumulative, like combat, but if you can pick a half dozen lock taking less than ten seconds each, you don't need an AutoSave.

No AutoSaves are performed when the player is in combat (according to your settings), the dialog or the crafting menus are opened. Any AutoSaves will be put on hold until combat finishes or you leave those menus and the delay time will be reset and restarted.

All timers, including the AutoSave delay timer, are paused when you are in any of the menu screens, with the exceptions of dialog and crafting menus, and resume when you return to game mode.

There is one situation that I have not found a way to trap, when the character is harvesting (chopping wood, mining, etc.) If an AutoSave is scheduled to occur when the player is in the harvesting animation, the AutoSave won't take place.

I want to thank all of you, for giving my mod a try, for the comments and suggestions and even for recommending it to friends.

I'd also like to thank Ka3mon for listing my mod in G.E.M.S.

For the people who made SkyUI. As a user you might think MCM is as great as sliced bread, but for me, as a modder, it's a godsend.

And, of course for the Silverlock crew for making SKSE

This was a mod that I originally was going to make, put up on Nexus and, for
the most part, forget. Because of your encouragement, and the people
who made tools to make this job easier, I'm still updating this mod a
year later.

Thank you all