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Moein Aria

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About this mod

Just some tattoo for UNP and Better males.

Permissions and credits


This mod is some new tattoo for UNP, Better males and Smooth male body.
Textures should work fine with the new special edition.
btw, the pictures are not up to date, i will take some from SSE and put them here.


Extract texture in your data folder.


Replace/remove "" or "".

[size=7]Required mods[/size]

UNP / CBBE / SG Female Textures Renewal / Mature skin texture and body for UNP by Maevan / Women of Skyrim female face textures by zzjay / Real Girls Realistic Body by Zonzai / Pride of Valhalla by dracofish/ Fair Skin by HHaleyy.
Better males / Smooth male body.


Better Females by Bella.
Better Females By Bella Natural Edition by zzjay.
Women of Skyrim female face textures by zzjay.
The Wilds ENB by LSiwora, used in shots.


Bethesda for Skyrim.
Photo Shop CS6.
Nvidia for .DDS plugin.
Caliente for CBBE.
dimon99 for DIMONIZED UNP female body.
Chris57 and FavoredSoul for better males.
urshi for Smooth male body normal map.
laxi2610 for CBBE Slim Tribal Tattoo.
Maevan for his awesome realistic body texture, Mature skin texture and body for UNP.
Zonzai for Real Girls Realistic Body.
Zzjay for Women of Skyrim.
hellosanta for SG Female Textures Renewal.
dracofish for Pride of Valhalla.
HHaleyy for Fair Skin Complexion.

Endorse if you like this and any comments are welcome.