About this mod
Official port of Hidden Treasures from Oldrim to SSE by Ironman5000.
200 hidden and lootable chests with a unique design for you to discover all around Skyrim.
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- Permissions and credits
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The official port of Hidden Treasures from original Skyrim to SSE with permission from the original author. Many thanks to Ironman5000 for letting me port this over. It is much appreciated. All credits go to Ironman5000 for the original mod, design and implementation. The Oldrim mod can be found here:
Hidden Treasures
The .esp has been run through the CK and saved in form 44. I have also included a file with Alternate textures in case the chests are too bright for players. Another surprise I found when no one ported this over. Ironman5000 is an awesome modder and I felt that this is a fun mod for everyone. Its always nice to find surprise treasure. This mod is a direct port from Oldrim and is offered as is. The only things that might interfere would be something else occupying the same space but it shouldn't cause crashes at all. The mod's ITM records have been cleaned and all changes have been forwarded to the latest version of the USSEP by Arthmoor. Thanks to dAb for fixing these.
If you like this mod and would like a great Treasure Chest partner mod for this, I have ported over Underwater Treasures by Jokerine. With this mod and that, it will add a total of 251 treasure chests to the world. No shortage of loot for treasure hunters! You can find that one here:
Underwater Treasures SSE
Important!! Please read the Compatibility note regarding Realistic Water Two by isoku
So without further ado, here is the description by Ironman5000 from the Oldrim page:
Adds many secret treasure chests around the game for you to find and loot.
They have been well hidden so you will need to actually seek them out to discover them, or if you are already a thorough looter you should stumble across some of them.
I will not be giving you any hints as to where they are because that would be cheating...ok well maybe one, see the screenshot :)
The chests have their own unique appearance with my own edited texture to make them look worthy of holding valuable treasure and so you know exactly what to keep your eyes open for (gold and marble, see the screenshot)
The treasure is all leveled including gold (in testing I was finding 250 - 900 at lv.30), gems, jewelry, soulgems, and other valuable that fit in small containers. There are no weapons or Armour as they would be too big.
I highly doubt you will find them all, but it will be a nice bonus for your character every now and then when you do.
There are 200 scattered around Tamriel, in towns and villages, in dungeons, houses, taverns, shrines, and he rest. I'll give you a hint - if you
reach somewhere that looks significant there's a good chance there is one nearby, but obscured from direct view.
The locations have been well thought out and sneaky, they are all reachable within reason, NOT just plonked in the middle of nowhere or buried in the sea, but you WILL walk right past lots of them even when you are within a few feet!
Happy Hunting :)
Here a short video of what to look for, it's the same location as my screen and gives you an idea of the kind of loot to expect - a bit like the strongbox loot but a lot better while keeping it balanced. Big thanks to Muzzammil12 for taking to time to put this together :)
This mod places new objects in many cells, so the only possible conflicts would be any mods that edit the areas I placed my hidden treasure.
Regardless it won't cause CTDs.
This mod uses vanilla leveled lists to determine the loot so other mods that alter loot leveled lists will benefit from using this mod.
Oaristys for the chest from Modders Resource Pack - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16525//? (I edited in nifskope to be animated)
Realistic Water Two by isoku: Yes. I ran the azzendix water script fix on this and it cleaned 19 records. So users of RW2 should have no problems whatsoever. Please let me know if there is any issues with the file.
Load Order: I suggest using LOOT or another optimization tool or some general common sense if you have been modding for a while for optimum placement
5-22-2018: Version 1.0 Initial release for Skyrim SE
5-22-2018: Version 1.1 Cleaned up ITM records and forwarded all changes to comply with the latest version of the USSEP. Many thanks to dAb for providing me with the updated .esp in lightning fast fashion.
Ironman5000: For the original mod and permission to port this to SSE. Many thanks!
Oaristys: For the chest from the Modders Resourse pack listed above
dAb: For version 1.1 of the .esp. You rock! Thank you
bchick3: For making a great guide to allow me to port Oldrim mods to SSE
Bethesda: For making Skyrim SE
The Nexus Community: For a great bunch that makes modding and gaming fun and making the Nexus to be what it is today
My other ports from Oldrim:
Underwater Treasures SSE
Freshly Picked SSE
Cake O'Clock - Hearthfire Bakery SSE
Dwemer Fairies SSE
Exposed Armors - He-Man Outfit SSE
Freshly Ground SSE
Alternate Book Fonts SSE
Collect Ivy SSE
Shields of Skyrim SSE
Tempest Snow Elven Sword SSE
The Honey Spirit - Liquor Shop in Solitude SSE
Amulet of Auriel SSE
Hidden Treasures SSE
Seedy Merchant SSE
The Mystery of Icebound Crypt SSE
Hamvir the Ghost Follower SSE
The Golden Hen Restaurant SSE
Freshwater Cave Player Home SSE
Mushroom Soups SSE
Harvestable Elves Ear and Frost Mirriam SSE
Lumberjacked SSE
Psilocybin Mushrooms SSE (Psychedelic Shrooms)
Filled Pots SSE
Campsites in Skyrim SSE
Bau Pet Supplies for SSE
Frostflow Lighthouse Player Home SSE
Archmage Necklace SSE
Golden Egg Treasure Hunt SSE
The Bloody Tankard SSE
Buyable Decorative Daedric Shrines SSE
Gourmet Gourds SSE
Chicken's Bounty Player Home SSE
Chaurus Egg Cooking SSE
The Merry Snowberry SSE
The Golden Rose SSE
Wolf Sigil Shield SSE
Ironback Hideout Player Home SSE
This mod is not to be uploaded to another website or sold under any circumstances. It is a Nexus exclusive and its going to stay that way.
I am not the original Author, Ironman5000 is. If you want to show appreciation, please consider endorsing the original mod. If you like this mod, please endorse it.
Final Thoughts:
Another super Lore Friendly mod I discovered on Oldrim and my other port Underwater Treasures really inspired me to try and port this. Once again, many thanks to Ironman5000 for allowing me to port this over. Please let me know if you have any issues with the file. I do work full time but I will try to go on everyday to look for comments and criticisms. Good luck to everyone, you have been great and supportive and enjoy this port.