File information
Created by
imAarwyn boringvllnUploaded by
mdzukunftVirus scan
About this mod
Small and cluttered functional Solitude house for a family with two kids. Navmeshed, with custom containers, bathing and laundry area.
NOTE: I obtained EXPLICIT permission from the mod's author to post to SSE Nexus. Hopefully, we can together bring you the other options of this wonderful mod.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This is an SE port, the original LE mod could be found here.
It is surely incompatible with mods adding buildings to the same location. In order to find the place go to Solitude, pass the market, go through the arch, turn to the right. The house is in the corner near the arch wall, opposite the cemetery.
Incompatible with the original (porting guide here).
Incompatible with Bells of Skyrim and Post Office, Holds The City Overhaul, Better Cities Solitude, Open Cities Skyrim.
JK's Skyrim (JK's Solitude) - compatible with a patch.
Legacy of the Dragonborn - compatible with a patch.
There are two children's rooms in the attic. There is also a cradle. It is obviosly static, but if you play with mods like Being Female, Fertility Mode, Diversifying Skyrim, etc., that could add to immersion.
In order to move in the house with the family, you will need to have Hearthfire multiple adoptions installed and active, moving in the house goes as usual. In case you don't know how, here is a small guide.
You'll need to cast 'Bless Home' spell inside the house and then ask your spouse to move in your new home. If you don't have a spouse and only have children, be careful and remember about a vanilla disappearing bug, so always keep a save before you ask a child to move.
Children and anybody else will sandbox around the house.
Following crafting stations are present: cooking pot, oven, alchemy station, enchanting table, forge, grindstone, workbench, tanning rack.
No smelter, no mannequins, no bookshelves (there are containers for books though).
Three display cases for favorite weapons are still there, in the basement.
A lot of custom containers for raw and cooked food, drinks, potions, rare and common alchemy ingredients (to separate ones that you need to save for quests for example), weapons, cloaks etc.
(There is a box for old shoes atop a huge dusty wardrobe, just so you understand the vibe here.)
Cosy static decorations everywhere.
If you'd like to take a bath or do some laundry, activate the bucket near the shelves with soap and towels. The room will change: the dirty clothes from the basket will appear on a clothes line, the former empty bathtub will be filled with steaming water and fenced off from the rest of the room with tapestries, and npcs will start to remove their clothes once they enter this area (and put them back on when they leave*).
*Inigo in his relaxing mode might become a bit confused, asking him to follow and go back to relaxing or changing his inventory would help.
Activating the bucket again will put all this away.
I believe the house could be considered performance friendly. As for lore, there were assets used in creation of this mod that were not present in vanilla, so perhaps lore bending is more to the point.
Feel free to submit your screenshots of the house, since it will look a little different depending on your lighting mods and/or ENBs.
Do not reupload it anywhere, do not try to monetize it – the usual.
I thank imAarwyn for creating Deithwen, very inspirational and beautiful house, and for giving me permission to publish this version of it.
I am also grateful to all the modders who made these wonderful resources (and all the people who ever filmed or wrote tutorials on Creation Kit, as well as Bethesda, of course, for making this all possible).
These resourses are amazing and I was happy to use them:
Ready Clutter and Furnishings 1.1
Visible Windows
Elianora's Extra Resources
OpenBooks Resource
PotionShelf Resource
Ingredients Wall Art Resource
Wicker Set
Modular Crafting Table
Lolicept Resources
Strotis Kitchen Tools
Strotis Rustic Furniture Resource 1_2
Stroti Resource Pack
Stroti Resource Pack II
Insanity's Washing Stuffs
Modder's Resource Pack
Insanity's Room Dividers 1.0
Insanity's Folded Blankets
Strotis Ovens Resource
Resources for modders
The Witcher 3 Mega Resource Pack
Modder's Resource Pack - The Witcher Extension
Insanity's Food Stuffs - Resource
Orient Set
Resource extra food v2
Insanity's Curtains
Insanity's Collectible Cards 1.0
Insanity's Bath Towels 1.0
Mr Siika Castle Seaview Kit
New Plants 1_3
Strotis Old Mill Resource
Strotis Small House Resource
Tlaffoon's Rugs and Tapestries
Jokerine's Misc Resources
Paintings and Frames
Windows Resource Pack
Antique statue
Lor Modders' Resources
5 Assorted Cabinets
Upper Class Furniture Pack
BookSets Resource
Hopefully I listed every one of them, let me know if I missed someone out, I'd hate to do that.
Besides, I very much appreciate all the wonderful work that was done in creating Deithwen - Witcher Inspired Home and encourage you to download and endorse it.
The aesthetic (as well as assets) created by CD Projekt Red must also be credited here.