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About this mod

Unlocks all shouts

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Ultimate Dragonborn Shout's - Schreie Unlocker by Zatoxxxx.

Always wanted to be the Ultimate Dragonborn from start, born with the words written into your Heart by Akatosh, then this little Mod is for you!
This tiny mod unlocks all shouts in Skyrim including Dawnguard & Dragonborn DLC's!
Mods like this already on the Nexus but they all didn't worked properly for me, so i decided to jump into this and put everything together.

>All Shouts unlocked from Start no Souls needed!
>No Cooldown's

>Install "ultimatedragonborn.txt" into your "Data" folder.
>InGame press "~" and write "bat ultimatedragonborn" and hit enter.

>Dieser Mod schaltet alle schreie frei in Skyrim.
>Installiere "ultimatedragonborn.txt" in den "Data" Ordner.
>ImSpiel drücke "~" und gebe "bat ultimatedragonborn" ein und bestätige es mit enter.
>Viel Spass!!

EDIT: If you want cooldown, open the text file within the archive ultimatedragonborn.txt scroll down to the bottom and delete the last row (player.forceav ShoutRecoveryMult 0).