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About this mod

Armor of The Golden Order. This mod adds unique armor and sword. In 4K/2K textures.
I was inspired by Elden Ring when I created this mod and tried to give it a Skyrim visual style.

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Possibly the last piece of armor of the Golden Order that fought the undead. It is not known what happened to the order, but it seems that they took a fancy to you, Dovahkiin.
Inspired by Elden Ring and lovingly created from scratch in the style of Skyrim.

The armor is waiting for you in Fort Dawnguard, and the sword is in Dimhollow CryptSee the attached PHOTOS to understand where to find the armor and sword.

a little story:
After tragedy and tragedy started happening in my life shortly after my first nexus mod. I fell out of life very much, many tragic events happened to me, a whole year, maybe more.. I tried to come to my senses. During this time, I lost my job, and the few friends I had. Now I have been unemployed for exactly a year.. I moved in with my mother who lives with my younger brother. Guys, I am trying very hard not to give up and finally started doing something. I recently got inspired by Elden Ring, it has such a brutal setting and it helped me get a new start. I tried to create armor for the first time in my life, and I liked it, I understood how and what can be done much better in the future. I would like to continue creating mods and I have a lot of cool ideas, for example, in creating unique followers, weapons and armor, I also thought about reworking the environment. In general, if you liked this mod and my desire to continue making mods, I will be glad if you support me.

Helmet - 38 -Armor Rating.  13 -Weight.  3987 -Price

Cuirass - 55 -Armor Rating.  50 -Weight.  2998 -Price

Gauntlets - 18 -Armor Rating.  8 -Weight.  2538 -Price

Boots - 38 -Armor Rating.  18 -Weight.  2975 -Price

Sword - 15 -Damage.    8  -Weight.   138 -Crit Dmg   20 -Sun Damage: Health (X3 damage to undead),   8338 -price

No idea, let me know and I'll add to this section.

If it weren't for this super dude's guide noahlong0313 , I wouldn't have been able to do anything.
And also big Kudos for the super addon for blender PyNifly

🤍I'd be happy if you'd support me🤍