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About this mod

Multiple patches for Description Framework with ongoing updates. gloomy and melancholic descriptions inspired by classic survival horror games and Dark Souls.

Permissions and credits
as above, see changelog/required tab for supported mods. gloomy and melancholic descriptions inspired by classic survival horror games like Koudelka, resident evil, silent hill and games like Dark Souls. currently supports 200 mods. you do not need all mods listed to use any of this mod.

Requires PO3Tweaks and Description Framework (obviously)

updates will be ongoing so i suggest to add this to your tracked mods to be notified of a new release.

My previous couple of mods are included in this, i didnt realise when i made them that i could combine them all into one.

leave comments with suggestions for mods to cover and let me know asap if theres any issues or mistakes. There may be slight issues with context on some items, unfortunately its far too time consuming to play every single mod to get the full context of every individual item so i try to keep the text as non commital as possible. Happy to accept suggestions on text changes if theres anything egregious though :)

Wabbajack/collection authors please feel free to add this to your setups. NOT to be used in paid lists under any circumstances.