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  1. taranis17
    • premium
    • 235 kudos
    I welcome polite, constructive feedback and discussion.  However, rude or passive-aggressive comments, insulting or disparaging any author's work or mine will result in an immediate and permanent ban from my mod pages.  Be respectful in your comments.

    If you like the mod, please come back to give an endorsement.  It simply lets me know people like what I do.
  2. RustyOldSword
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Why did you delete Taranis Collection ? Would you plan to rework it?
    1. taranis17
      • premium
      • 235 kudos
      I needed to correct a few minor things and didn't have the time to do it.  It's been updated recently to 3.03 and is on my Discord channel.
  3. 500pafre5h
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Yay! Ellika's always been one of my favorites...not like favorite Taranis followers, I mean favorite followers, period. Great look, and fun and useful in combat. Looks great with the SMP hair, too!
    1. taranis17
      • premium
      • 235 kudos
      Thanks! Glad you like her around. 
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    STUNNING!  Love your mods!
    There's just something about...
    well, I don't quite know, but it's emotional...
    maybe it's her voice - so innocent until she kicks ASS with her AXES!

    I'm on my first mod - always growth pains with the first one!

    woah!  she'll kick your ass and then ask if you want more !  I like!
  5. ShivasBane
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Well well. I can see I'm going to have to get an axe mod for her. Looks great and thanks.

    Edit: I tried her out in game and she's very powerful though I did upgrade her axes. It's so nice to see a dual wielder for a change. Well done and hope to see more from you.
  6. tango31
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Thank you for the mod and it is functioning properly. Only one problem I am having and that is, there are textures missing on the back of the head, behind the ears. This is with the custom hair, which I love. Have I missed something or a bad download? Again thanks for the mod.
    1. taranis17
      • premium
      • 235 kudos
      Probably something on the head nif I forgot to adjust.  Stay tuned for an update after I have a look-see.
      Thanks for letting me know.  1.1 fixes it. :-)
  7. idrmorris
    • premium
    • 9 kudos

    WELCOME back to the Nexas, I've REALLY MISSED you and your wonderful mods.
    Love the new version of Ellika, liked her old hair too, but once you've seen smp hair there's no comparison, love it.
    I'm still trying to navigate the 60+ mods of yours that I presently have in my LO wishing, wishing for an easier way to access them than on the Discord to add some more to the LO that we're presently building for another run-through.
    Every time I click a mod on discord it takes me to the Nexas page with the orange bar stating no longer available.
    Hoping that this new mod listing is an indication you're testing the waters for a return.
    We had suggested in previous convos, label ALL mods "as-is, no requests to change this or that entertained. DL or move on."
    THANK YOU again for ALL of your wonderful creations, I personally DO really appreciate and your wife's work.

    Live long and prosper.
    1. taranis17
      • premium
      • 235 kudos
      "Every time I click a mod on discord it takes me to the Nexas page with the orange bar stating no longer available."

      Therein lies the problem.  Check the pins on my channel bud.  They're not hosted on Nexus. :)
  8. Hluill
    • premium
    • 49 kudos
    Q:  Does she come with custom dialog/voice/quests, etc?
    A:  No, she's here to drink & fight, not run a daytime talk-show. ;) 


    Earns an instant download!
  9. Montrealporter
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Wow!  Love this new version.  Old version was always one of my favorites.
    1. taranis17
      • premium
      • 235 kudos
      Thanks man.  :)
  10. gades28
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    Nice. Thank you.
  11. Alphonze17
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Looks great, is that custom hair? I want it for my DB!