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Allison Wade

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About this mod

Aventus is grown up and decided to join the Dark Brotherhood, and you can now recruit him as a follower.

Permissions and credits
Why does time never passes in Skyrim? After your 218th playthrough don't you feel the need for a change?

Do you  remember that weird kid playing with body parts in Windhelm? He's all grown up now. And decided to become an assassin. Feeling old yet?

So here's how it works:
After you complete the DB questline and the last members relocate to the Dawnstar Sanctuary, this mod's quest will fire.
Upon entering the Sanctuary, Aventus Aretino child will be deactivated and a new NPC will appear as an adult Aventus, hanging out with the other initiates.
You can approach him and have a little intro conversation with him about his life choices, and then you'll be able to recruit him as a follower.
He's only Protected which means you can kill him, so be careful.

Voice: MaleYoungEager
Will use your default skin and body.
He is an Imperial, like the name suggests (in the vanilla game the child is a Nord but I think it was just a mistake).
Class: assassin (obviously)
I didn't give him any particular perk beside LightFoot, since he's just a recruit.
He will level up with you, starting from level 10.

The dialogue is reusing some cut and pasted vanilla voice files.

The mod is ESL-flagged.

No vanilla records have been touched, Aretino child is removed through a quest alias. This means it should be compatible with anything.

If you're using other mods that make you adopt Aventus as a child, keep in mind that he will disappear when the conditions are met.
He's grown up and just decided to run from home and join a group of assassins.
"It's not a phase, mom!"



KS hairdos
Expressive Facegen Morphs

No hard requirements.
Since he uses the vanilla follower system he will be compatible with any follower manager of your choice.

If you want to match 100% my pictures here's some cosmetic mods you might want to try:

- HIMBO with my skin blend but you can use any other skin you like (his look will be slightly different depending on your setup)
- Natural eyes


If you're having trouble finding him try exiting and entering the Sanctuary again or just look around he might be sandboxing somewhere.

Troubleshooting if the quest doesn't start, try opening the console and type: Setstage AwAretinoQuest 10

If you don't like his look and want to make a replacer, feel free! I want to see them :D
