About this mod
Many tried to put an end to the reign of undead in the province. Armor of a less fortunate hero is still kept as a trophy in the Shrine of Namira.
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Skyrim in the fourth era is occupied by the undead and daedra worshipers. Such situation in the Province attracts not only adventurers, but also fanatics of the nine, monster hunters and grim champions of endless war with necromancy. The relics of one of them are still kept as a trophy in the Reachcliff Cave in the northwest.
Author's note:
I've always felt that the Arkay/Orkay worshiping is underplayed a bit in the game, considering the amount of restless undead around. On the other hand, light armor quickly starts to look like heavy armor, but in brighter colors. So I started working on this set of light armor for the defender of the peace of the dead, with the knot of Arkay on one shoulder, and the serpent, symbol of Orkay among the Nords, on the other. I hope you will enjoy the mod as much as I enjoyed making it.

- Light armor set with optional cloak attachment
- Two-handed Warmace
- Openable helmet visor, which too Dynamic Armor Variants
- Support for beast races
- Support for both male and female bodies
- Weight slider supported
- Resolution options from 4k to 2k
- Optional SMP version of armor and cloak
- A little story note describing a last dozen of days of Warrior-Priest of Arkay
Should be compatible with just about anything than doesn't touch Reachcliff Cave too much.
GiraPomba made a patch for this mod and included in in his excellent Helmet Toggle 2, with it helmet visor will be raised and lowered automatically and with animations!
Included pluginless auto patch patch for Description Framework
Included pluginless auto patch for openable helmet visor for Dynamic Armor Variants
BadDogSkyrim for his PyNiffy blender addon. It would not be possible without him
My other mods