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About this mod

90+ New lines of dialogue for Delphine, Esbern, and Fultheim. Adds a short, fully voiced quest to convince Fultheim to rejoin the Blades. Features two possible endings.

Permissions and credits
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Mod Overview

Fultheim is an often forgotten about NPC in Skyrim. He is the only non-Blades member in the game to wield one of their swords. In the vanilla game, it's briefly mentioned that he's "drinking away a life of regrets," but that’s all we know about him.

I've always felt that the lack of any quests surrounding him was a missed opportunity. So I created this mod to flesh out his backstory and give the player the option to integrate him into the Blades.

This mod contains 90+ new lines of dialogue, voiced through Elevenlabs. Delphine, Esbern, and Fultheim have all received new lines of dialogue.

How to Start - Spoiler Free
A new dialogue option has been added to Fultheim to point out the fact that he has an Akaviri sword. Selecting that dialogue topic will start the new quest, "A Forgotten Blade".
  • The topic will only appear after you progress in the Main Story to the point where the Blades have moved into Sky Haven Temple (i.e. complete the quest "Alduin's Wall").
Within this new quest, you can convince Fultheim, a former Blades member who wants to forget about his past, why he should join back up with the Blades.

You can appeal to either his sense of honor, or his need for revenge.
  • The option you choose is significant, affecting the type of person Fultheim will be when he rejoins the Blades.
Both Delphine and Esbern have different opinions on Fultheim. You can ask them about Fultheim before and and after the quest.
  • Their opinion on Fultheim will change based on your decisions in the quest.

You can see some of the gameplay of the mod in the video showcase below: (WARNING SPOILERS)

Compatibility and Installation
  • Requires Backported Extended ESL Support if using an older Skyrim version.
  • This mod is fully safe to install and update midgame.
  • No vanilla records have been modified so the mod should be compatible with most other mods.
  • Fully compatible with Requiem as all NPCs make use of vanilla templates. (There isn't any combat in the mod with the added NPC anyways.)

Future Plans
  • Touch up the dialogue if needed. This is the first time I used any sort of AI. Most of the lines sound good to me, but I used those earbuds they give out on Delta flights to listen to them hahaha. If anything is really bad let me know.
  • Turn Fultheim into a follower after the quest.

My other Mods:

The Taste of Death - Quest Addon - 50+ New lines of dialogue. Adds new dialogue, enemies, and gameplay to the vanilla quest "The Taste of Death". Confront the cult of Namira and bring them to justice.

Boethiah's Calling - Alternate Questline - Adds 70+ lines of fully voiced dialogue. Alternate questline to obtain the Ebony Mail. Now a "friend" can trick and try to sacrifice you!

Mephala's Curse - Whispering Door Quest Addon -Adds a functioning curse to the Ebony Blade and new world encounters. Now the player must find a way to destroy the Blade or succumbing to Mephala is inevitable.

Mehrunes Dagon's Shrine Unlocked - Pieces of the Past Alternate Ending - Voiced - 40 new lines of dialogue. Adds methods to enter Mehrunes Dagon's Shrine without helping Silus Vesuius or having to side with Mehrunes Dagon. Additionally, you can reforge the Razer yourself without Dagon if skilled enough.

Engaging Combat - Keep Combat Dynamic at Higher Levels - A lightweight, highly compatible combat mod designed to prevent gameplay from becoming boring as players reach high levels. Perfect for Requiem or any 'unleveled' Skyrim load order.

Requiem - Auto NPC Patcher -  Makes any mod playable in Requiem. A Synthesis Patcher and SPID configuration that adjusts the stats, perks, and levels of NPCs added by any mod to be in line with Requiem's Balancing.

 Requiem - Unofficial Reqtificator Lite - My recreation of the Reqtificator in Synthesis. Allows you to get over the 254 master limit easily.

My Requiem Patches:
Requiem - Reqtificator 254 Master Limit Workaround - xEdit and Mod Organizer
Requiem - Ryn's Mehrunes Dagon's Shrine
Requiem - Vampire Armor Expansion - Vampire Clothing Expansion
Requiem - Mage Clothing Expansion