About this mod
Do you find fighting with creatures like trolls and wolves boring? If so, this is mod for you. Kykvandi will grant new abilities to creatures like wolves, trolls, giants, and many others.
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I find fights with creatures very boring on any level. It's always the same: press the "Attack button" until it dies.
I tried to change that with simple unique abilities that were given to some creatures. Abilities that fit them realistically, thematically and gameplay-wise.
Creatures affected by mod:
Wolf, Sabre Cat, Horker, Mammoth, Bear, Chaurus, Spiders, Ice Wraith, Troll, Giant, Skeever, Dwemer Automatons, Werewolf, Werebear, Lurker, Gargoyle, Dragon, Spriggan, Frost Atronach.

Addional Info: The player's vision will be blurred for 4 seconds to indicate debuff. Imitates tunnel vision. Works only on player.
The reason behind this perk is to force players to use dodges and blocking. Fall back to a better position from a pack of enemies and use surroundings.
Distributed to: Wolf, Sabre Cat, Bear, Chaurus, Spiders, Ice Wraith, Troll, Giant, Dwemer Automatons, Werewolf, Werebear, Lurker, Gargoyle, Spriggan, Frost Atronach, Dragon (optional).
Addional Info: Giants and Dragons deals 50% more damage instead of 100%. So player have a chance for survival if giant wounded. Horker, Mammoth excluded as they are not predators.
Armor Breaking (optional) - Each unblocked hit from a creature will progressively lower the effectiveness of the player's armor by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts for 5 seconds.
Distributed to: Horker, Mammoth, Bear, Troll, Werewolf, Werebear, Lurker, Gargoyle.
Addional Info: It will work only for creatures with perks. The actual effect of this perk is that the creature ignores armor if there is a specific Dummy Magic Effect on the player. Works only on player. Actual cap is 95% of armor reduction.
Mark Of Predator - Each unblocked hit from a creature will progressively increase damage dealt by every other predator in the pack by 25%. Stacks up to 4 times.
Distributed to: Wolf, Sabre Cat, Spiders, Chaurus, Skeever.
Addional Info: It will work only for creatures with perks. Works only on player.
Immovable Force - While creature attacks, it cannot be staggered by weapon.
Distributed to: Sabre Cat, Horker, Mammoth, Bear, Chaurus, Spiders, Ice Wraith, Troll, Giant, Werewolf, Werebear, Lurker, Gargoyle, Dwemer Automatons.
Addional Info: Mammoths and Giants cannot be staggered by any weapon. Other creatures can be staggered if attacked by two-handed weapons.
Probably won't work with Poise mods that disregard vanilla staggering mechanics.
Sharp Claws (optional) - Each unblocked hit from a creature will inflict Bleeding. That deals 5 damage over 5 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
Distributed to: Wolf, Sabre Cat, Horker, Bear, Chaurus, Troll, Werewolf, Werebear, Lurker, Gargoyle, Dragon (optional).
Addional Info: Ignores armor resistance. Works only on player.
Troll Blood - Trolls regenerate 60 health per second and deal additional 50% damage if not on fire or poisoned.
Distributed to: Trolls.
Primal Rage - Starting from 80% of health. For each 20% health lost Giant deals 12,5% more damage. Stacks up to 4 times. If health lowers below 33% armor increased by 250 points.
Distributed to: Giants.
Cold Touch - Unblocked attacks slows down movement by 50%.
Distributed to: Ice Wraiths
Wheighty Strike - Each unblocked strike from a dragon slows movement by 40% and deals damage to Stamina and Magicka by 10% from the current amount of these.
Distributed to: Giant, Frost Atronach, Gargoyle.
Colossus - As health of the dragons gets lower, Dragon become stronger. At 66%/33% of Health dragons receive 15%\30% additional Damage Reduction.
Distributed to: Dragon (optional).
Wheighty Strike (for dragons) - Each unblocked strike from a dragon slows movement by 40% and deals damage to Stamina and Magicka by 20% from the current amount of these.
Distributed to: Dragon (optional).
Bonus Health were given to:
Wolves, Trolls, Spiders -+150 Health.
Sabre Cats - +300 Health.
Giants - +500 Health.
Bears (optional) - +500 Health.
Dragons (optional) - +600 Health.
Bonus Damage were given to:
Wolves, Trolls, Spiders, Sabre Cats - +50% damage
Bears (optional) - +50% damage
Giants and Mamoths now Immune to Unrelenting Force.

Kykvendi - Daze to humanoids
Unblocked hit from an NPC with one-handed weapon or archery related weapon will daze Player for 2 seconds making Player deal 75% less damage. Cannot be inflicted again for 5 seconds.
Distributed to: Playable Races, Draugr, Falmer.
Addional Info: The player's vision will be blurred for 2/4 seconds to indicate debuff. Imitates tunnel vision. Works only on player.
Easy Target - If player under effect of Daze perk, humanoid deals 30% more damage.

Scrambled Bugs
You must set Perk Entry Points: Apply Multiple Spell = true in ScrabledBugs.json.
Mod doesn't reference any vanilla formID and doesn't change any race, faction, or NPC. Mod doesn't change a single record that's already existing in your modlist. Simply assign spells and perks to NPCs belonging to certain vanilla factions. It will work even on new enemies if those were assigned to vanilla factions.
It's compatible even if mod does similar thing. Effects will stack.
If you think some effects are overlapping or it's too much for you. Feel free to edit the "ini" file in the mod. I commented every line.
Inspired by Engaging Combat - Keep Combat Dynamic at Higher Levels by MadAborModding;
This mod works best with animation mods for creatures:
Trolls - Troll Preview (external link) by Distar;
Wolves - DNFA Wolves Combat Behavior by krembrule;
Bears, Dragons and Sabre Cats (minus wolves) - Creature Preview (external link) by Distar;
Giants - New Creature Animation - Giant by stuxjr and other animations by same author;