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About this mod

Main Wabbajack File plus accessible downloads for Terrain, Grass, Tree, and Dynamic LODs pertaining to my modlist.

Permissions and credits
Colloquy's Skyrim Vanilla Plus is a modlist based on the visuals offered by 'Next Generation Visual Overhaul' from Biggie_Boss.  Biggie's list is beautiful, it's lightweight for a modlist exceeding 1200, and he says it is intended for newer Modders to be able to plug & play.  This is my take on his baseline, it is not a one-to-one rebuild as there were a few things changed visually to my personal tastes.  This list will require a fresh install of Skyrim: Anniversary Edition, and Wabbajack Installer (Please see the Read Me for Spec Recommendations and Space Requirements). It is intended as a packaged Vanilla Plus experience that can be played immediately with minimal effort, but was built to be extremely modular at the cost of consistency/stability.

First step of this modlist was reconstructing NGVO to be LOOT Sorted - now adding/taking away mods is just as easy as your homebrew List, but it's a double-edged sword. This list has been divided and sorted into comprehensive Separators that will work seamlessly with any additions/subtractions you wish to make, but expect more inconsistencies than lists made by more experienced Authors since the plugins are no longer hand sorted.  Be sure to look over any Flagged Notes on Plugins in your list as they will help in knowing what needs reinstalling/patching when you make changes.

Second step was to personalize - I am a proud Vanilla Apologist, and the only goal for this list was a fresh coat of paint. The entire list is built with the intention of playing on Master difficulty with Survival Mode enabled, you are at liberty to change this list however you feel if that doesn't work for you! Civil War Overhaul, evolving locations, more choice/player expression in Questlines, smarter Fauna & NPCs, and more are waiting. This list contains zero added quests, new lands, custom followers, or major gameplay overhauls.

The final step was to make it installable - I have friends and family that love this game but lack the time or know-how to bring it up to modern standards. I wanted them to also be able to enjoy the bleeding edge of Skyrim Mods in as little hassle as possible. CSVP is my personal modlist that I decided to share so everyone can have that 2011 feeling again without ANY labouring away in MO2 or even MCMs.

This is Skyrim the way you remember it as a kid.



Please keep in mind that I am not a Mod Author, nor a Modding Expert. This list being a fork of NGVO really means that Biggie_Boss did all the bodywork while I just slapped some bumper stickers on, and I still made mistakes in the process! There will be things wrong with terrain and item placements,  and these will be noted and worked on as I play through the game (This is after all just a personal list I'm choosing to share). I included More Informative Console as well as Object Manipulation Overhaul for the intrepid ones amongst you, and I'm always open to hearing suggestions/additions you made to your personal list that could be thrown in here!

Download Size (MAIN): ~330GB Total, ~150GB Download/~180GB Install | 1630 Mods, 886 Plugins, 81 ESPs
Download Size (PERF): ~270GB Total, ~120GB Download/~150GB Install | 1450 Mods, 782 Plugins, 73 ESPs
Recommended Specs (MAIN): 12th Gen i5 Processor (Ryzen 7) or Higher | 16GB RAM | 30 Series GPU (RX 6000 series) with at least 10GB VRAM
Recommended Specs (PERF): 10th Gen i5 Processor (Ryzen 5) or Higher | 16GB RAM | 10 Series GPU (VEGA series) with at least 6GB VRAM