About this mod
Uncover the origins of a mysterious tree within the Rift and choose if you wish to meddle in such affairs.
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Bark and Bite is a short quest mod centred around a tree with multiple beings stuck inside of it. Within the quest, you'll be conversing with the strange being and learning of how it came to that forest. The mod is incredibly inspired by the Witcher 3 contracts and strives to create a morally ambiguous situation for the player to unravel and solve. In the spirit of the Witcher quests, this mod has two drastically different endings, each with its consequences further down the road.
- Unique idea. The concept of a talking tree has been done in other media but never in Skyrim. This mod aims to remedy that and add a very complex and unique character for the player to unravel and learn more about.
- Multiple endings. While my other mods often have a single ending, Bark and Bite features two drastically different ends to the quest depending on your actions. Which choice is right is completely up to the player and their sense of morality and justice. Whichever ending is chosen will also have unforeseen consequences further down the line.
- Unique Asset. As seen by the mod thumbnail, the amazing RuneSentinel or as they would like to be called, Sheogorath's #1 Tree Designer has created a custom asset just for this mod!
- Fully voiced. Bark and Bite features two incredible voice actors, MeekVoice and Elizabeth Plant. They are veterans of the Skyrim modding scene and have appeared in large scale mods like Vigilant and Sirenroot. They did a wonderful job voicing these complex character and I can't thank them enough for their work!
Can the mod be downloaded mid-game?
- Yes, it's completely fine to install mid-game.
- It is thanks to CharderoTheLupe!
- Yes, I have only edited the necessary cells, there should be no conflicts due to dirty edits.
- You can visit the Tree by yourself (map location provided) or you can visit the Wabbajack totem just outside Shor's Stone.
- I'd love if people made patches for any incompatibilities that arise, if you could send these to me I'll upload them onto the mod page
- Snipey360 has my permission to port to Xbox.
- You can endorse the mod and vote it for mod of the month, if you like the content. And if you'd like to support me, check out my YouTube and Patreon!
- If you're running any version PRIOR to the update, please download BEES
- Thank you to MeekVoice and Elizabeth Plant for doing such a great job voicing your respective characters. I'm excited to work with both of you in the future :))
- Thank you to RuneSentinel, the asset was incredibly made and really added to the mod. Thank you!