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About this mod

A complete visual overhaul of Kaidan, his armor, his gear, his horse, all mod NPCs, and various other items.

Permissions and credits
With the addition of Kaidan Revoiced: Community Expansion to the Kaidan "multiverse," I took an all-in-one approach to updating my visual overhaul mods. Kaidan Revoiced already includes a few of my past projects as part of the baseline: Kaidan Refreshed, some relic improvements, the Rosalind weapon improvements from NPCs, parts of Arsenal and Armory, to name a few!

My animations mod update for Kaidan Revoiced can be found here.

  • All-New Kaidan Replacer: new voice, new look!
  • All-New NPC Replacers based on my original overhaul
  • Kaidan's Arsenal AIO with new crafting methods
  • Kaidan's Armory AIO with new crafting methods
  • Additional visual upgrades (Akaviri shield, Kiai and her saddle, old campsite tent, apple trees at Autumnwatch)
  • All armor and sword variations from Arsenal and Armory through the crafting menu

The armor and sword crafting are explained via an in-game book that can be found in the chest with Kaidan's gear. Kaidan's armor can be tempered via the workbench for different variations and back to the original as you wish. Kaidan's baseline sword can be tempered to a variety of glowing rune colors via the sharpening stone. ENB supported but not required.

Kaidan uses a unique body and skin texture, which means there are no seams, and his look will remain consistent regardless of what skin mods you have installed. He is compatible with either vanilla or HIMBO installs. Kaidan's default body is nevernude as shown in the screenshots, but there is an optional patch for TNG. There's also an optional CBBE patch for Rosalind.