Main files
This is the new FOMOD, kindly made by Atsuraelu, who is helping with the patches. PLEASE READ THE STICKY POST FOR MORE INFO
Update files
Patch for Oar's Rest, courtesy of linus0, thank you so much
Patch kindly provided by CopperCrab for River Rock Village
Patch for Cutting Room Floor SE. Now kindly updated by CrematorWii
Courtesy of DagoC92
Patch for The People Of Skyrim Complete SE. Now kindly updated by MIkeOH1
Kindly provided by megaman2k
Credit to megaman2k, who kindly provided the patch
Courtesy of dlai226
Certain child races were being overwritten from RS Children due to the Requiem USMP patch
Optional files
NOT to use with Thirteen Oranges' Oakwood. This patch only works with Arthmoor's Oakwood. Load it after RS Children and Oakwood. Kindly made by MadCat221
Patch for Aurora Village
Patch for Blackthorn SE
Patch for Books of Skyrim SE
Patch for Dragonbridge Southside SE
Patch for DragonsKeep SE
Patch for Falskaar SE
Patch for Folkstead and the Border of Hammerfell SE
Patch for The Forgotten City SE
Patch for Gavrostead SE
Patch for Haafingar Expanded SE
Patch for Haafstad and the Border of High Rock SE
Patch for Height Adjusted Races With True Giants (Non-Playable Children) SE
Patch for Helgen Reborn SE
Patch for Herds SE
Patch for Holds The City Overhaul SE
Patch for Inconsequential NPCs (Oldrim - needs to be ported)
Patch for Interesting NPCs SE
Patch for Keld-Nar
Patch for Legendary Cities SE
Patch for Moon and Star SE
Patch for Nyhus and the Border of Cyrodiil SE
Patch for Thirteenoranges' Oakwood (unavailable at Nexus, link on front page, needs to be ported)
Patch for Outlaws and Revolutionaries SE that finally works
Patch for Populated Skyrim HELL Edition SE
Patch for Populates Skyrim LITE SE
Patch for Qaxes Questorium SE
Patch for Rigmor of Bruma SE
Patch for Settlements Expanded SE
Patch for Solitude Docks SE
Patch for Solitude Expansion SE
Patch for They Took Our Jobs SE
Patch for Whiterun Valley SE
Patch for Winterhold Rebuild SE
Patch for Wyrmstooth (unavailable at Nexus, link on front page, needs to be ported)