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  1. whiskeyii
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Ohhh thank goodness for this; I use EasyNPC and am trying out 3DNPCs for the first time and had no clue it used duplicate NPCs 
  2. invinoveritas99
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    If you use multiple mods which all edit the same NPC, how does it know which one to use? Presumably the last one? If so - I use a NPC megapatch at the end of my LO to resolve all the NPC conflicts - will it know to find the winning face record in that?
    1. zinghunt
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      I'm in the same boat, I'd like to know this as well. Otherwise good old xEdit seems to be able to resolve that issue.
    2. ElderOGCS
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Yes, it will always just use the final winning result, it doesn't need to find the winning records, because records being overwritten practically no longer exist in game.
  3. binarystar1917
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The prerequisites for a lot of 3DNPC quests are so extensive that, even years after its release, it’s possible we’ve only barely scratched the surface of a lot of important QOL patches and fixes. 
  4. Smpatico
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    3DNPC is set to populate The Drunken Huntsman with its versions of Jenassa, Ahlam and Nazeem. I can't remember if it actually does.
    1. ElderOGCS
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Thanks, yeah I did a completionist run of 3DNPC before and I don't really remember a scene involving those three, but I will add them anyway. Thanks for reminding me.
    2. Blackread
      • premium
      • 420 kudos
      The Drunken Huntsman is used towards the end of Blood of Kings, but I think it depends on the choices you make whether you get that scene or not.
  5. AnnAccident
    • premium
    • 307 kudos
    Oh I wasn't aware about this! (I've yet to play the mod to its fullest RIP) Thanks for creating this ❤️
  6. MonkutPaik
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    So with the use of Skypatcher it will use the same face from your visual overhauls on duplicates??
    1. ElderOGCS
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Yes, the NPCs in 3DNPC are not true duplicates perse, they are their own unique NPCs(in the game's eyes) who are supposed to be the same character as the vanilla characters storywise.
      This mod uses Skypatcher to make it so the NPC instances from 3DNPC.esp plugin will use the vanilla NPCs as template for their visual appearance.
      As shown in the images, I use Bijin replacer for vanilla Delphine and Modpocalypse for 3DNPC's duplicate Delphine, after using the Skypatcher, 3DNPC version is now a perfect copy of vanilla Delphine visual wise.
      This method is always possible even before Skypatcher's recent update by editing the NPC to enable "Use Traits" template flag and select a Template NPC in an esp overwrite, a method used in BUVARP SE to recycle vanilla NPCs in a way, Skypatcher of course makes everything more compatible and hassle free.
    2. MonkutPaik
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      That's amazing, thank you D