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About this mod

Adds a new heavy Unisex armour set to the game.

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Find the body of a long-forgotten Thane of Dawnstar Hold and claim his extravagant armour for yourself! It only smells a little...

This mod adds a new heavy armour mash-up to the game, meant to fit into the aesthetic of NordwarUA's armour sets. It is a mashup with a few meshes from the Witcher 3 I ported over. It has the armour rating of steel plate making it a nice mid-tier set.
The sash can be equipped or unequipped at will occupying slot 46, same as most cloaks. One can also change the look of the helmet at any forge. Beast races only get one variant of the helmet though, sorry :(
The armour is male-only for now for male and female as of 2.0!.
Drsemmel made a true HIMBO refit with bodyslide files here

I'm not gonna tell you >:) I'll give you a hint though:
"Nurelion isn't the first and won't be the last to quest after the legendary phial"
Or you can just use AdditemMenu, but I think it's more memorable if you take it from the previous owner!

A massive thanks to:
  •  NordwarUA for his assets from namely Minor Faction Armors:
  • TheDalbak18 for his assets from Modular Clothing System:
  • Scorilos for the sash from Ancient Civilizationss and allowing the porting of his assets to other games:
  • CD Projekt Red for the Witcher 3 and giving me permission to use their assets in a non-commercial way (Also for legal reasons: this mod and I are in no way affiliated with CD Projekt Red)
  • Vicn for his human-rigged skeleton meshes from Vicn Creature Pack: