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About this mod

Want the company of a noble lady or an ancient vampire in your travels? Perhaps both?

Permissions and credits
This mod is no longer supported!
I have made new versions of these followers (click their names: Kathryn & Volrina) and I consider this old version outdated. I would just delete this to have fewer mods to keep track of, but instead I will leave this up for those who want it. However, for my own sanity I will not offer any support for it.
Thank you for understanding, and please check out the new versions!

Race: imperial
Location: Blue Palace, Solitude
Body type: UNP
Weight: 70
Voice: eventoned
Essential: yes
Marriable: yes
LE mod page: here.

Race: imperial
Location: Hall of the Dead catacombs, Whiterun
Body type: UNP
Weight: 70
Voice: sultry
Essential: yes
Marriable: yes
LE mod page: here.

DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99
Fair Skin Complexion by hhaley
KS hairdos renewal by kalilies, stealthic khaos & shocky
Brows by hvergelmir
Eyes of Beauty by lograam
Mikan Eyes by nerune
RaceMenu by expired

Big thanks to these amazing mod authors for their great work, and for letting me use their assets.

Read all about my mod permissions on my profile.