About this mod
This mod reduces power attack damage and stamina consumption for both player and NPCs for better combat flow.
All features can be tweaked in xEdit independently.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
TPADS is a lightweight mod that reduces power attack damage and stamina consumption for both player and NPCs. This makes combat flow much smoother, because without this mod having any stamina management mods installed would mean that using power attacks, one of Skyrim's core combat mechanics, would eat your entire stamina bar and severely debuff you. Now you can actually engage with that mechanic, allowing you to break the LMB spam gameplay loop by using the tools the game gave to you. The change is especially noticeable for lower levels and for classes that don't build a lot of stamina.
All its features can be tweaked in xEdit independently.
Default Values
Player - 70% damage, 60% stamina consumption
NPC - 70% damage, 60% stamina consumption
No Stamina Consumption:
Player - 50% damage, no stamina consumption
NPC - 50% damage, no stamina consumption
Keep in mind that 50% damage is the same damage as a normal attack, because in vanilla the damage is twice that of a normal attack.
So 70% power attack damage = 140% of a normal attack; 55% = 110% of a normal attack.
Requirements And Compatibility
SPID - for NPC distribution
Should be compatible with everything, including mods that change power attacks' damage/stamina.
This mod only adds a perk that applies an additional multiplier to these values.
Recommended Mods
CGO - allows movement during power attacks
Valravn (or other similar ones) - makes stamina management more important
Additonally, works great with MCO or ADXP chainable power attacks
How To Edit The Value Yourself