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About this mod

Corrects texture paths on two stockades meshes.

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Corrects texture path mistakes on stockade meshes, featuring one vanilla mesh and one mesh from FYX - 3D Stockades (issue existed in vanilla already). These meshes had the StockadeWood01 texture (which is a bark texture used on logs) applied to planks, and I changed them to use StockadePlanks01 instead. I didn't need to change the UVs, since they were clearly made with the StockadePlanks01 texture in mind.

The mod only contains the two meshes and nothing else. No requirements.
I highly recommend using Stockades of Skyrim 3D by wSkeever and FYX - 3D Stockades by Yuril (I used one of the meshes from that mod) though, since they make stockades a lot prettier! Load my mod after them.

Special thanks to Yuril for allowing others to use the 3D Stockades in their mods!