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Unorthodogg AKA Unorthodox378Uploaded by
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About this mod
Cut content including locations, NPCs, items and dialogue newly restored and added to Whiterun Hold.
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Wintersand Manor (cut location) – the ultimate bragger didn’t even have his ownhouse. The man has finally grifted his way onto the housing ladder.
Maiden-Loom Manor (cut location) – Maven doesn’t make friends with people who don’t own multiple properties.
Ulfberth’s House (cut location) – Whiterun blacksmith builds property empire.
Pathway Guard Tower (cut location) – the only city with two guard barracks originally had another as well.
Shrine of Talos (cut location) – the only Divine with more than one temple in the game also may have had another as well.
Terek (unused NPC) – more populated Breezhome.
Mithorpa Nasyal and Barleydark Farm (unused NPC and cut location, which still appears on the base game map) – dark elf builds farm in the middle of nowhere with a random event spawn point nearby, what could go wrong? Only the lone guard and a babysitting dragonborn can save him.
Anoriath outside Whiterun (unused dialogue) – Anoriath goes to touch grass.
Mikael unique song (unused dialogue) – new greatest hit record that went unused.
Uthgerd and Skulvar stable scene (unused dialogue) – Did you miss Cicero’s quest near Whiterun early in the game? I sure did. This restored scene points players towards it.
Whiterun Jail and Prisoner (cut location) – Whiterun has a prisoner so bad he got his own little cell. The only bandit to maybe ever be captured in the great bandit raids of yore.
Frostfruit Inn cellar, chest and key (cut location and items) – Hey Erik, remember that cellar your dad talked about that didn’t exist? It turns out he wasn’t crazy after all.
Vignar the Revered, confronts Balgruuf (unused dialogue and cut NPC title) – Vignar’s fancier title gives him the confidence to speak to the Jarl. Proventius was seemingly mistakenly flagged as the other actor in the conversation and Vignar never visited before anyway.
Jorrvaskr ceremony room, backroom key (unused item) – Vignar is now a VIP and adds a lock to his room. Don’t worry, his roomie Brill has one.
Letter from Jon to Olfina (unused item) – now both of them are getting in on the loveletters.
Avulstein Gray-Mane's thoughts (unused dialogue) – Avulstein now goes outside his house, early in the morning and paranoid however if you talk to him he'll offer 3 lines of dialogue that could not be heard before as they only play when he's out which is something he doesn't do in the base game.
Skjorr the Scarred title (cut NPC title) – he certainly likes his scars.
Rorikstead horse patrols (unused NPC) – implemented a guard who patrols on a horse around Rorikstead that will change between factions depending on Civil War actions. The hold of horse lords at last has someone who remembers how to ride.
Sven's dragon ballad (unused dialogue) – when in the Sleeping Giant you will now be able to ask Sven if he knows any songs about dragons.
Karinda (unused NPC) – Balgruuf's children had a horse which now resides at the stables outside the city.
Acolyte Jenssen to Wintersand Manor (created package) – Jenssen carries a key in-game so presumably may have gone to Wintersand Manor so now he has a package to hang out with Ahlam before going to the temple.
Part of the Re-Cut series - I will add links as they are uploaded:
Whiterun (you are here)
Haafingar / Solitude
Hjaalmarch / Morthal
The Pale / Dawnstar
The Reach / Markarth
The Rift / Riften
Eastmarch / Windhelm
Falkreath | Granite Hill
Dragonborn / Solstheim
Anniversary Edition / Creation Club
Skyrim | Skyrim Legendary Edition
Into the Abyss - not officially part of the series but features a couple of cut levels that have been a bit repurposed as they didn't fit in Re-Cut.
Aren't there other mods that do this?
Yes, absolutely. There are plenty of good mods that do this already however none of them seemed to be as extensive as this one. I have literally added almost everything I could find that wasn't straight up broken or heavily reliant on a removed quest. Some parts have also been done a bit differently as there's almost nothing left of some parts so a little personal interpretation had to be used. This is also part of a series which is broken up into pieces so you can pick and choose which parts you may or may not want to keep, so if Whiterun conflicts with too much for you but you still like Hjaalmarch you can keep one and remove the other.
No quests?
Not at the moment, sorry. I think there's a reason a lot of the cut quests haven't been touched and that's because it's like trying to assemble a jigsaw in a foreign language with no instructions and plenty of pieces either being wrong or missing. That also includes almost anything to do with the Civil War. There are already some mods that do a lot of that and it would take an absolute Creation Kit master to be able to restore some of the stuff that hasn't been already.
You missed something and I am sad it's not here...
If you think that, then great. Not the sad bit but rather that if you found something I did not then please tell me about it and I'll see if I can implement it.
Isn't this all just removed cut content added back to the game? What do you mean by your tags of "cut, unused and created"?
Cut means you can find reference to it in the files or other sources like the strategy guide but wasn't literally present in the files. I tried my best to recreate it how Bethesda may have done but can't guarantee it's 100% how they would have done it. Unused means I basically just put it back in the game because it couldn't be found anywhere in the in-game world. Created means I added it in myself because it was just logical, such as an inkeeper to an unused inn or Thalmor in the Thalmor Headquarters. I have tried to restore everything as faithfully as I possibly could but some of it simply had next to nothing left to work with and required some of my own input.
This mod should work on pre-existing saves and be okay to install mid-game but certain parts like Anoriath going outside and the stables scene can depend on player progress.
I actually made sure that it would work with a few other popular mods like all of the Creation Club content, the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, ESO / Legends Imports, Populated Skyrim and a few smaller scale ones like Khajiit Caravan Mules. Whiterun will not be compatible with a lot of city overhaul mods due to the new houses there and there will be a lot of conflicts with other mods that restore cut content to some of the same places like Cutting Room Floor, Cut Content Restoration and similar mods.
It can work on any version of Special Edition as it doesn't use anything from the Creation Club but if you're not playing one of the latest versions of Skyrim you will need a mod like Backported Extended ESL Support for it to work properly.
More questions?
If you want to tell me anything, have any more questions or want some help or whatever then feel free to message me here or on Discord.