About this mod
Meduse Armor converted to 3BA with BodySlide files. My version...
- Requirements
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- Donations
edited the armor and body so now one can be a naked medusa, you WILL have to build in BodySlide for anything to work. edited the xml file for the tail and gave it 2 more bones for a not-so-much better fluidity movement (my weight painting sux ass). the esl has been edited to allow for the changes but you still MUST install original mod for the other meshes and textures.
WARNING: this is the esl version, upon installing this patch you will lose the items in your inventory as i have changed some of the records for things to work right. i also added footstep sounds using the Ice Wraiths sound so there will nolonger be foot steps when it should be slithering.
50% of the DP points from this mod goes towards Wildlife Conservation Society as does a few other mods of mine. i am a strong believer that man kind is killing off the animal races and so they need our help to keep them alive and doing their thing. So thank you all who download this :)
Thank yous:
Hanaisse: for all the NifSkope teachings when my crazy twisted mind goes wild..
Groovtama: for Skeletons..
Caliente & Ousnius: for CBBE and BodySlide...
Acro748 for the awesome 3BBB bodies.
Please check out some of my other pointless mods:
my mod page here at Nexus

No Same Race... Revised:
This mod allows you to change the skin textures of all races aswell as the player

MyBugs... The Race:
MyBugs are no longer little sexy fairies hiding among the "bug fixes" in the Nexus, they are alive and waiting to be your follower.

Darker Theme:
Lets make Skyrim dark and wicked again.