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About this mod

This is a tool for Mod Organizer 2 that simplifies removing files from mods. It supports relative paths with wildcards (*). See usage examples below.

This tool is also used for Lexy's LotD Modding Guide. The guide gives you very detailed instructions, so be sure to follow them!

NOTE: This tool now only supports MO2 2.5.0+

Permissions and credits
Extract `mo2-removal-tool.py` and put the file into your MO2 plugins folder. NOTE: If you were using any version of this tool before 2.0.0 you should delete the old version before installing the latest. The file names have changed. Theoretically, this shouldn't break anything but it's best not to take the chance. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Within the plugin settings, you MUST change 'removal-type' to either 'mohidden' (adds "*.mohidden" to the end of the file/folder path) or 'delete' (deletes the files from your filesystem). Otherwise, the tool will NOT run. This is to ensure you do not do something to your files that you aren't expecting. Call it an idiot check ;)

As of version 2.4.0, you may also want to enable moving .esps, .esls, esms, etc. to the optional folder by setting 'plugin-optional' to True. This only works with the 'mohidden' mode of operation.

BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING you must follow the Setup instructions above.
  • Select the "MO2 Removal Tool" option from the tools menu in the MO2 toolbar.
  • Type the name of the mod you want to remove files/folders from (The last mod in your modlist is selected by default).
  • Type/Paste the paths into the box below the mod selector.
  • Click Run. Another dialog will open.
  • Review the files that will be removed. Any wildcard paths will be expanded to show what files were selected.
  • Click "Remove All" to finalize the deletion. Note that you can also invert the selection to remove everything EXCEPT what you originally entered. THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL. Remember that you CANNOT undo a deletion from this tool, I personally recommend using the "mohidden" option when using this feature.
  • A file will be created in the root folder of the mod to log the removals you made. The file will be called {modName}.{'delete'|'mohidden'}.log

A visual representation of the above is shown below:

This tool is licensed under the MIT License.