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About this mod

Adds tags in Valdacil's Item Sorting naming conventions to items from Beyond Skyrim - Bruma mod

Permissions and credits
About this mod
This mods adds compatibility for Valdacil's Item Sorting by valdacil to Beyond Skyrim - Bruma by The Beyond Skyrim - Cyrodiil Development Team by adding tags to added armour and clothing.

Note: Alpha version, it is not fully tested. You may encouter weirdly tagged items.

Supported mod versions:
Valdacil's Item Sorting v. 3.12.27
Beyond Skyrim - Bruma v. 1.3.2

Tags added
Armor and Weapons: all armor, clothing and accessories tagged according to VIS armor tagging conventions. 
Ingredients: tagged [Ingredient], naturally
Books: all |Books|, |Notes|, |Recipes| and |Maps| sorted out.
Misc: tagged [Crafting] and [Misc] items, several |Quest| and [Unique] items.
Magic effects: tagged diseases and ingredient effects
Spells: All spells tagged with theit school and level. Note: no idea where Open Lock spell should go, tagged [A1] for now.

Make sure you have Valdacil's Item Sorting and Beyond Skyrim - Bruma installed.
Attention: the patch v. 1.1 REQUIRES ALL FOUR MASTER FILES from Beyond Skyrim: BSAssets.esm, BSHeartland.esm, BSPatchSE.esp, BS_DLC_Patch.esp; the patch v. 2 REQUIRES BSAssets.esm, BSHeartland.esm, BS_DLC_Patch.esp
NMM users: download the file with "Download with Manager" button. Install normally.
Manual installation: extract the archive and drop the .esp file it contains into your Skyrim Special Edition /data folder

Load Order
VISPatch-BeyondSkyrim.esp should be loaded after BSAssets.esm, BSHeartland.esm, BSPatchSE.esp to properly overwrite item names. The position of ValdacilsItemSorting.esp is irrelevant.

Permission and Credits
This patch couldn't be possible without the amazing mods that caused it's existance, made by wonderful people, so thank you guys:
The Beyond Skyrim - Cyrodiil Development Team for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma
* Valdacil for Valdacil's Item Sorting.

This mod is only a patch, so I don't own any assets. For any permissions for  any assets you should adress original mod's authors.