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xyks and Tx12001 ported by cheaterman1996Uploaded by
cheaterman1996Virus scan
About this mod
The royal bloodline mod for skyrim ported to sse under permission of txt12100
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Royal Bloodline
This perk changes the Vampire Lord’s armor to Harkon’s royal version (incl. Cape and Skeleton)
Requires that you have acquired all previous Vampire Lord perks
Sanguine Perfection
Rank 1: Increases your Blood Magic magnitude by 10%
Rank 2: Increases your Blood Magic magnitude by 20%
Rank 3: Increases your Blood Magic magnitude by 30%
Sharpened Talons
Rank 1: Increases the melee base dmg by 10% adds a 5% critical strike chance to deals +5% dmg.
Rank 2: Increases the melee base dmg by 20% adds a 10% critical strike chance to deals +10% dmg.
Rank 3: Increases the melee base dmg by 30% adds a 15% critical strike chance to deals +15% dmg.
Summon Gargoyle Goliath
Summons a Gargoyle Boss variant instead of a regular Gargoyle.
Removes the original summon Gargoyle Spell.
Requires the Gargoyle Perk next to Royal Bloodline.
Requires Sharpened Talons and Sanguine Perfection maxed.
Blood Transmutation
Adds a spell that converts 35 Health into 35 Magicka per second.
This should be a handy, but balanced option if you ever get caught in trouble during daylight.
Careful: This spell can kill you (we wouldn’t want to make things too easy now would we?)
Requires Sharpened Talons and Sanguine Perfection maxed.
Evolved Wings
Levitating slightly over the ground is unworthy for every true Vampire Lord!
This perk adds the ability to fly in “Levitating-Mode” with working collision (Give it up for J3X)
To give it a little more travel utility it also adds +100 Stamina.
Removes falling damage in leviating mode
Requires Summon Gargoyle Goliath and Blood Transmutation
Darkens the sun for 60 seconds
During that time you deal 25% more magic and melee damage while taking 25% less damage.
Your Regenerations will work during that period as if it were night
Can only be used outside, during the day (5h-19h) and once per day.
Note: At the moment if you activate the spell during the night it won't take
effect but will trigger the cooldown. I will try to make it so that the
spell is only in yourlist during the day...
Nightmare Rune
This places a rune that will fear NPCs up to lvl. 40 crossing it for 7 seconds.
I know it doesn't sound spectacular but i wanted to find another crowd
Control possiblitly for the VL without overpowering him like the
Wereolve's "Howl of terror"
This spell only fears for a short duration, but it fears higher lvl npcs and should be a handy option to your VL.
Update: Now has a cooldown of 20 secs, that will only trigger when the Rune actually exlpoded (cool right?)
Sanguine Shield
A powerful shield (ward spell) that will cost you 35 mana per second but
also block up to 70 damage. This is mainly supposed to be helpful when
facing fire magic users or fire dragons.
Please Know i have just ported it and if there are any bugs that arent in the original ill try my best to ask permision to patch them but im just the porter